The Parochial Church Council is responsible for the upkeep of open churchyards within its Parish and we are fortunate to have a team of volunteers who mow and strim regularly, including one volunteer who mows sections of Bagpath churchyard. The PCC organised and funded the removal of Ash trees affected by Ash Dieback, from Kingscote and Bagpath churchyards, during 2022 – 2023. Family members are responsible for the upkeep of their ancestors’ graves, including cleaning and repair.
We get requests for information about family members who may be buried in the churchyards and, thanks to an excellent group of volunteers we have managed to put together a map and list of graves in the St John the Baptist churchyard in Kingscote, which should help people if they are trying to find out about family members or about Kingscote’s history.
The links on this page take you to
The map of St John the Baptist, Kingscote churchyard with each grave coded, within 5 Zones.
Map of Kingscote churchyard grave locations c2017
Transcriptions of key information from each grave, with grave codes matching those on the map. If you are accessing the document digitally and wish to search for a name – click on ‘find’ on your device. (Holding down ctrl and clicking f works on laptops too. Best to download the document first though). Please note that some of the more recent graves may not be marked on the map, although they are listed in this document. Also note that some of the writing on gravestones is illegible.
Transcriptions of Gravestones in Kingscote Churchyard May 2023
Our thanks to the following people for their contributions in producing the map and the grave transcriptions list: Brian McTear (map), Harry Tubbs, Godfrey Ainsworth (coding), Sebastian Cooper (transcriptions), Steve Teague (photograph).

If anyone would like to volunteer to carry out the same exercise for Bagpath churchyard you would be most welcome to contact anyone from the Parochial Church Council (see parish directory in The Forerunner).