Forward Rate Agreement Ausgleichszahlung

As a professional, I understand the importance of creating content that`s both informative and optimized for search engines. In this article, we`ll be discussing the concept of forward rate agreement ausgleichszahlung, what it means and how it works.

What is Forward Rate Agreement Ausgleichszahlung?

Forward rate agreement (FRA) ausgleichszahlung is a financial product used to manage interest rate risk. It`s a contract between two parties where one party agrees to pay the other a set rate of interest on an agreed-upon notional amount of money at a future date. This type of agreement is used to lock in interest rates, so both parties know what the future cash flow will be.

The term “ausgleichszahlung” is a German word that means “compensation payment.” In FRAs, this term is used to describe the payment that`s made to the party that`s on the wrong end of the interest rate movement.

How Does it Work?

Let`s say a company is worried about interest rates going up in the future and wants to protect itself from this risk. The company can enter into a FRA with another party, such as a bank. The company agrees to pay the bank a set rate of interest on a notional amount of money at a future date, even if the market interest rate is higher at that time.

For example, if a company enters into a FRA with a bank for $1 million at a fixed rate of 3%, and the current market interest rate is 2%, the company agrees to pay the bank $30,000 at the end of the contract`s term. However, if the market interest rate rises to 4%, the bank pays the company $10,000 as compensation for the difference between the fixed rate agreed upon and the market rate.

Benefits of Forward Rate Agreement Ausgleichszahlung

FRAs can help companies manage their interest rate risk and protect themselves from potential losses. By locking in a fixed interest rate, companies can avoid the uncertainty that comes with fluctuating interest rates and plan accordingly.

In addition, FRAs provide flexibility for both parties involved. If the company`s interest rate risk decreases, it can cancel the FRA and avoid unnecessary costs. On the other hand, if the bank`s interest rate risk decreases, it can sell the FRA to another party and make a profit.


Forward rate agreement ausgleichszahlung is a financial product that allows companies to manage their interest rate risk by locking in a fixed rate of interest on a notional amount of money at a future date. This type of agreement provides flexibility for both parties involved and can help companies avoid potential losses due to fluctuating interest rates. Understanding the basics of FRAs is important for any business owner or investor who wants to manage their risk and plan for the future.
