‘Asks’ for the Flower Festival- can you help please? 

There’s a Flower Festival in the church in Kingscote on 6th and 7th July. Refreshments are on sale on both days 10.30-4pm. On the Saturday there are also stalls for everyone and children’s activities. Hope you can pop in for a while. 

Can you help with any of the following?

A) We would love your photos of the parish: Sebastian Cooper is setting up a digital slideshow of photos and would like people to send any parish related images to  coopersebastian@hotmail.com

B) Donations: We’d be grateful for donation of raffle and / or tombola prizes and / or plants for the stalls. If you are able to donate anything, you can either take items to the village hall on 23rd June between 2.30 and 4pm, or put them in the box in the church on 2nd, 3rd or 4th July (open between 10am and 4pm) 

C) Can you spare an hour or so over the weekend to help with any of the following? 

  • Making cakes and / or serving refreshments at the village hall Please contact Pauline or Angela. brianmctear@btinternet.com or  ang.wooldridge@gmail.com 
  • Children’s stalls and tombola etc:  Any slot on Saturday 6th July between 10.30am and 5pm. Please contact elin.tattersall@yahoo.com  (There will be another person on this stall too)
  • Plant stall – Any slot on Saturday 6th July between 10.30am and 5pm  Please contact Jacqui Crew –  jac.a.crew@gmail.com 

Thank you