European Commission Consortium Agreement

The European Commission Consortium Agreement: What You Need to Know

The European Commission Consortium Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of cooperation between partners in a research and development project. It is an essential tool for ensuring that all parties involved in the project are aware of their roles and responsibilities, and that the project is completed in a timely and effective manner. Here`s what you need to know about this agreement.

What is a Consortium Agreement?

A consortium agreement is a contract between two or more parties that outlines their obligations and responsibilities in a joint venture or partnership. In the context of a research and development project, a consortium agreement is necessary to ensure that all parties involved in the project are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities, the intellectual property rights of the project, and the distribution of any profits or benefits arising from the project.

Why is a Consortium Agreement Necessary?

A consortium agreement is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that all parties involved in the project understand their roles and responsibilities. This helps to prevent misunderstandings and disputes during the project`s duration. Secondly, it provides clarity around intellectual property rights. This is particularly important in research and development projects, where there may be significant discoveries or inventions made by the consortium. Finally, a consortium agreement outlines the financial arrangements for the project, including cost-sharing and the distribution of any profits or benefits arising from the project.

What is the European Commission Consortium Agreement?

The European Commission Consortium Agreement is a template agreement that can be used by any consortium involved in a Horizon 2020 project. Horizon 2020 is the largest research and innovation program in Europe, with a budget of approximately €80 billion. The program funds research and development projects in various areas, including health, energy, and transportation.

The European Commission Consortium Agreement is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of the consortium`s project, including the objectives, work plan, intellectual property rights, and financial arrangements. The agreement is designed to ensure that all partners in the project are aware of their responsibilities and that the project is completed in a timely and effective manner.

What are the Key Elements of a Consortium Agreement?

A consortium agreement typically includes the following key elements:

1. Objectives: This section outlines the objectives of the project and the expected outcomes.

2. Work Plan: This section describes the tasks to be undertaken, the timeline for completing those tasks, and the expected deliverables.

3. Intellectual Property Rights: This section outlines the ownership and use of intellectual property arising from the project.

4. Financial Arrangements: This section outlines the cost-sharing arrangements and the distribution of any profits or benefits arising from the project.

5. Dispute Resolution: This section outlines the process for resolving disputes between partners in the project.


The European Commission Consortium Agreement is an essential tool for ensuring that all parties involved in a research and development project are aware of their roles and responsibilities. It is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of the consortium`s project, including the objectives, work plan, intellectual property rights, and financial arrangements. By using this agreement, consortium partners can ensure that their project is completed in a timely and effective manner, and that any profits or benefits arising from the project are distributed fairly.
