Community Litter Picking + Afternoon Tea – Sun 23rd Feb

The Parish Council is planning a community litter-picking on the minor roads in the parish on Sunday afternoon 23 February 2020. This will be followed by tea and cakes in the village hall organised by the Village Hall Committee.

The plan is to meet at 1400h in the village hall for a briefing and to collect gloves, high visibility vests, etc before setting off in small groups to cover as many of the minor roads as possible in the parish. Tea and cakes will be waiting for the teams when they return.

If you would be willing to volunteer for this, please contact Tony Wooldridge on 0145 860697 or email  The more volunteers we have, the quicker we will be back at the village hall for tea!

Everyone is welcome to join us for the tea and cakes, but anyone involved with the litter-picking will not be asked to pay. If you are not able to help with litter collection but could help with the teas, please contact Pauline McTear at or 01453 861311.