Changes to The Forerunner distribution

From July 2020 The Forerunner will be published in electronic form rather than a hard copy version delivered to each household.  Each month an email containing the link to the new edition will be sent out to all on the mailing list. 

Many people are already on the mailing list for email alerts about the parish. If you don’t think you are on this emailing list and wish to join it, please contact the webmaster, Alice Cooper.

The Forerunner will also be available on this website and from the benefice website (Nailsworth, Horsley and Kingscote) here.

We recognise that not all people in the parish will have access to the internet. If this is the case for you please let Elin Tattersall know (01453 860182) and we will make alternative arrangements.

Harry Tubbs is retiring as editor of the Forerunner and a new editing team has been set up (Elin Tattersall, Alice Cooper, Pauline McTear). The deadline for contributions to the Forerunner will be 20th of each month. Please send contributions to Elin Tattersall.

A huge thank you to Harry for editing The Forerunner and arranging its distribution over the past 20 years, plus grateful thanks to the team which has distributed the magazine every month. It is a great local resource and we’re pleased that it will continue.

Elin Tattersall