Vanessa Andersson is proposing to offer her services as a yoga teacher at Kingscote Village Hall.
Kingscote Village Hall Annual Report 2012
Please find attached the annual report for Kingscote Village Hall, as follows:
- Independent Examiners Report 2012
- Village Hall Treasurers Statement
- Report p1 – Front Sheet
- Report p2 – Income & Expenditure
- Report p3 -Trial Balance
- Report p4 – Balance Sheet
Reminder: The Village Hall AGM takes place on Tuesday 14th May at 7pm in the Village Hall; everyone welcome.
Aggressive Salespeople
Note sent to Secretary of Parish Council regarding aggressive salespeople:
Further to the below press release issued on the 18th April we have had further calls today from Cotswold residents complaining of aggressive door sales people and telephone calls about council tax bandings. These people have nothing to do with the CDC whatsoever. Gloucestershire Police and Trading Standards have been made aware.
If anyone has any information regarding these types of callers please can they ring Gloucestershire Police non-emergency number 101 or 999 if it is considered an emergency.
Press Release (18th April 2013)
Cotswold District Council is aware that at least two men have been making phone calls to local residents, advising them that their Council Tax bands may be too high. They offer to work on behalf of the residents for a fee to obtain a reduction. The pattern of calls suggests they could be working their way through the local telephone directory.
CDC Community Safety Officer Tony Dix is concerned about these types of approaches, which have also been noted in other parts of the county and beyond, and is warning residents against any contact with firms offering this so-called service:
“Despite what these callers may suggest, there are very few circumstances in which appeals against Council Tax banding would be successful. However, I must stress that anyone wishing to appeal against their banding can do this themselves very easily by contacting the District Valuation Office on 03000 505 150. It is not a complicated procedure and there is no requirement whatsoever for a third party to intervene.”
He added:
“We are aware that some private companies have been claiming that the Valuation Office makes a charge for a reassessment, but this is untrue. Some companies have also been saying that you need an agent to act on your behalf and this is also untrue. We’ve also heard that several firms charge an up-front fee and then do nothing, putting the blame on the Valuation Office for not taking any action. Most worryingly, some are just using the promise of reduced council tax as a means of gathering someone’s personal financial details. We would advise residents against doing business with these people.”
Kindest Regards
Tony Dix
Community Safety Officer
Cotswold District Council
Tel: 01285 623611
Hate Crime – Report It 0800 077 8460
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
Polling Notice
See attached polling notice here.
Book Club
Monday 13 May ‘The 100 year old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared’ by Jonas Jonassen at Teresa’s.
Monday 24 June ‘The Garden of Evening Mists’ by Tan Twang Eng. Angela Wooldridge
Pilates Classes
Pilates Classes with Ruth Carnaby
Every Wednesday
Venue: Village Hall
Payment in advance for a 7 week term at £9 per class; contact Pauline McTear for further information.
Aerobics Classes
Aerobics classes with Ruth Carnaby
Every Wednesday
Venue: Village Hall
Classes cost £6; payment in advance for 7 weeks please.
Please contact Carol Paton on 860649 if you would like to join.
Mobile Library
Friday 22 Mar
Friday 19 April
Venue: Opposite Walled Garden
The mobile library will be parked outside the Walled Garden – Why not order your books online and pick them up from us?