Kingscote Village Hall AGM – 5th May 2015



The Village Hall Committee invites all inhabitants of the Parish of Newington Bagpath with Kingscote aged 18 or over to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held in
Kingscote Village Hall
at 7pm on Tuesday May 5th 2015.


  1. To receive the Report of the Village Hall Committee
  2. To receive the 2014 Accounts of the Village Hall Committee
  3. To accept the resignations of the present Village Hall Committee
  4. To elect the Village Hall Committee for the coming year
  5. Any other business

All parishioners are invited to inspect, in advance of the AGM, the 2014 Accounts of the Village Hall Committee.  These can be see on the village website when published, or please telephone Vivienne Ainsworth on 861683 for a paper copy.

We are always pleased to welcome new members to join the Village Hall Committee, and we are also grateful for offers to cook or to help in other ways at Village Hall events.  For further information on what is involved, or to offer to stand for election, please contact the Secretary of the Village Hall Committee, Carol Paton, on 860649, or the Chairman, Ken Davies, on 861113, or the Treasurer, Vivienne Ainsworth, on 861683.


The Village Hall Committee

14th April 2015

Fireworks at Kingscote Barn – 18th April

Dear All,

Fireworks at The Kingscote Barn on Saturday 18th April 2015 at 9.00pm for approximately 8/10 mins and will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Kindest Regards,


Apinya Clark

Kingscote, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YE

01453 861161

The Forerunner – April 2015


Service Calendar for April 2015

Wednesday    1st Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Maundy    2nd Nailsworth 7.00 pm Holy Communion and
Thursday Stripping of the Church
Good Friday    3rd Nailsworth 2.00 pm Final Hour of the Cross
Horsley 2.00 pm Final Hour of the Cross
Kingscote 2.00 pm Final Hour of the Cross
Sunday    5th   Kingscote    9.30 am Parish Communion CW
Easter Day Nailsworth 11.00 am Holy Communion
Horsley 11.00 am Holy Communion
Wednesday    8th Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Sunday 12th Kingscote    9.30 am Holy Communion BCP
Nailsworth 11.00 am Holy Communion
Horsley 11.00 am Family Service
Wednesday 15th Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Sunday 19th Kingscote    9.30 am Family Service
Nailsworth 11.00 am Family Communion
Horsley 11.00 am Holy Communion
Wednesday 22nd Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Sunday 26th Kingscote 9.30 am Holy Communion CW
St George’s Day Nailsworth 11.00 am Holy Communion
Horsley 11.00 am Informal Worship
Horsley 6.00 pm Evening Prayer


The Little Angels mothers and toddlers group meets on Fridays at 9.45 am at Nailsworth, except during the school holidays on Fridays 3 and 10 April.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Tuesday 7 April at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall.

All are welcome to attend and contribute. 

     Diocesan News       


     Nailsworth Benefice

     Kingscote Community

Easter at St John the Baptist’s Church Kingscote                      

Preparations for Easter begin on Friday 3 April – Good Friday. In the morning we will put up our Easter Cross in the churchyard. In the afternoon there is an opportunity to recall the last hour of Jesus life on earth in a meditation of words, music and silence at 2.00 pm in the church.

Then on Sunday we will celebrate the joy of Easter Day and Jesus’ new life in a service at 9.30 am. This is for all ages and will include Easter Eggs !


The Vicar’s Letter

Dear Friends,

Easter is here ! Don’t you just love it …. fluffy bunnies, spring lambs and chocolate eggs.

But before we come over all Scrooge-like (yes I know it’s the wrong season for that) there is some merit in these symbols.

The Easter Egg is a tasty way of representing a real egg – looks like a stone, yet contains the potential new life of a chick. Jesus’ lifeless body was laid in a stone tomb having been properly wrapped for burial. There was no doubt in the minds of friends and foe that he was dead. Problem sorted, thought some. Dream over, thought others.

Yet God’s love proved so powerful that even death was not strong enough to overcome it. The one and only thing that humans never conquer was defeated once and for all by God’s love as Jesus was brought back to new life.

The Easter Egg reminds us of the unlikely yet miraculous truth that Jesus was alive again. And that gives ushope for our future after death. So let’s enjoy the eggs.

But what about bunnies and lambs ?   Once again, they are meant to represent new life at this time. If you have ever watched new born lambs or rabbits in a field, they seem to spend most of their time tearing around jumping and enjoying the freedom of the field and the open air.

Maybe we can learn from them to let our hair down at this time and really celebrate the joy and wonder of Easter.

Mike Smith


Flower Rota

5 and 12 AprilEASTER19 and 26 April

3 and 10 May

Flower TeamSheila Grey

Zoe Nichols

Lorna Reynolds

Cleaning Team

The next church cleaning session is at 2.30 pm on Monday 13 April. We are always delighted to welcome anyone who would like to join the team.

Teresa Day


Village Hall Programme

Film night – Tuesday 14 April To Kill a Mocking Bird, afilm classic starring Gregory Peck as lawyer Atticus Finch, 7.30 for 8.00 pm. Admission free, pay bar. Last show of this season.

Coffee Morning – Tuesday 21 April, 10.30 to11.30 am, £1-50 for coffee and cake. All most welcome. 

No other events in April due to Easter holidays but two advance notices for May.

Howden Jones concert – Friday 8 May. If you missed them two years ago do come and hear this excellent singer/songwriter duo …. and take your mind off the election result ! Tickets £10.

Coffee Morning and bring and buy Plant Sale – Wednesday 20 May 10.30 to 11.30 am, all welcome £1-50 for coffee and cake.

Carol Paton


Grumbolds Ash Group

On Tuesday 14 April we visit Bristol Zoo Gardens, BS8 3HA. Several routes can be used – M5 to J17 Cribbs Causeway or to J18 Avonmouth, and A46/M4/M32 into the city centre. Admission tickets £14-53/£12-71 before gift aid supplement. We meet as usual at the Village Hall at 10.00 am to share transport.

Jutta Tubbs

Book Club at 8.00 pm

Wednesday 15 April Elephant Moon by John Sweeney, at Nikki Shelton’s.

Wednesday 3 June The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton, at Jane’s.

             (We have given more time to this book due to its length)

New members always very welcome.

Angela Wooldridge


Free-range eggs for sale

Mrs Pat Cooksley of 2 The Windmill normally has some free-range eggs for sale at £1 for six. Best call afternoons.

Kingscote Parish Council

The next meeting will be at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 14 April at Hunters Hall.

Planning approvals

Bagpath Court Cottage, Erection of 2 story side and 1 storey rear extension, and 2 storey rear extension to    existing dwelling insertion of 2 dormer windows and roof-light to the rear.

Calcot House Kingscote, Erection of garage and part change of equestrian land to domestic curtilage.

No other planning activity has been reported.

The AGM and Parish Assembly are provisionally booked for Tuesday 19 May.

Anna Davison, Tel. 860 244 

Sponsor a London Marathon Runner

Kingscote parishioner Luke Cox lives at Hazlecote and is running in this year’s London Marathon on 26 April. He is currently in his first year at Reading University studying Agriculture, and being only 18 this is the first year he is eligible to run.

He is raising money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society, after joining a friend on a family holiday and sharing two weeks on the Algarve with an MS sufferer. Luke previously ran three half marathons in 15 days and raised money for Prostate Cancer research. His training is gong well and he is aiming to cross the finishing line in under four hours.

Luke has a Just Giving page and would greatly appreciate any sponsorship from other Kingscote residents. All donations big or small will be gratefully accepted.

Please go to:

Karen Cox, Hazlecote Farm


Weekly Recycling – Green food boxes and wheelie bins

All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays.

Fortnightly Recycling – Black boxes, White Bags and Blue bags

All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 3 and 17 April.

Fortnightly Waste – Grey wheelie bins to landfill

All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 3 and 17 April.

Bus Timetable Enquiries -Ring traveline on 0871 200 2233.

Mobile Police Van

The Mobile Police Station will visit Kingscote on Friday 24 April from 3.15 to 4.15 pm. However after June the Mobile Service will not visit Kingscote due to its deployment over a much wider area in Gloucestershire.


Mobile Library

The next visit will be on Friday 17 April when the van will park as usual in front of The Walled Garden from 9.30 to 11.30 am.


Any materialwhich may be of interest for the next issue of the Forerunner should be sent by 20 April to H. Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Tel. 860 194.

The Editor 

PCC Financial Report

The PCC accounts for 2014 are on display in the church porch for general viewing before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm on Tuesday 7 April 2015. All parishioners are invited to attend.

During the past year 2014 we held a number of very well attended and enjoyable services, the collections from which were donated on behalf of the parish to specific charities. These were as follows:

The Alzheimer’s Society                                     £127

The Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust           £25

The Beresford Centre                                           £73

The Stroud Court Community Trust                     £122

The Royal British Legion                                    £148

Ebola Crisis Relief                                              £226

The Nelson Trust                                               £339

The Children’s Society                                       £155


We are indebted to the band of volunteers who give their time and talent in so many practical ways to keep our church running and in good shape, including of course the churchyard.

We are also most grateful to the people who donate by regular giving by standing order which can be Gift Aided for tax payers. If anybody would like to start contributing in this way, they should contact the treasurer Jane Nichols for details as follows: 

Tel. 01453 860 534, e-mail – or write to Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote , Tetbury, GL8 8YB.



Church Weddings in 2015 

At this time there are seven weddings scheduled to take place at Kingscote Church during 2015, all of them in April, May or September. The Village Hall is now booked for every wedding to help with parking and minimise disruption in the village, and wedding couples are advised to use mini-buses or small coaches to ferry guests where necessary.

Thursday 9 April   1.30 pm Andrew Porter & Melissa Harrison
Saturday 25 April 12.30 pm Adam Worricker & Charlotte Davies
Saturday 9 May   2.00 pm Eliar Jamafar & Isobel Robinson
Saturday 30 May   1.00 pm Mathew Kemp & Jessica Attree
Saturday 12 September     TBA Richard Tyler & Jessica Mullan
Wednesday 16 September   3.15 pm Luke Osbourne & Amy Elliot
Saturday 26 September   1.30 pm Julian Cooke & Laura McGinty 

Jane Nichols


By the Sea

It is a beauteous evening, calm and free;

The holy time is quiet as a nun

Breathless with adoration; the broad sun

Is sinking down in its tranquillity;


The gentleness of heaven is on the Sea:

Listen ! The mighty being is awake,

And doth with his eternal motion make

A sound like thunder – everlastingly.


Dear child ! dear girl ! That walkest with me here,

If thou appear untouch’d by solemn thought

They nature is not therefore less divine:

Thou liest in Abraham’s bosom all the year,

And worship’st at the Temple’s inner shrine,

God being with thee when we know it not.


                                                                                               W. Wordsworth


Parish Directory

Vicar:                    Reverend Mike Smith, Nailsworth, Tel. 07840 260 182

Curate:                  Reverend Sue Sobczak, Horsley, Tel. 01453 833 526

Reader                  Sue White, Nailsworth, Tel: 01453 835 693

Churchwardens:   Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP. Tel: 860 194

                            Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Kingscote, GL8 8XY Tel: 861 683


Hon.Sec.PCC:        Georgina Harford, Ashcroft House, Kingscote, GL8 8YF

                                 Tel: 01453 860 227


Hon.Treas.PCC:    Jane Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote, GL8 8YB Tel. 01453 860 534


Members of PCC:   The Churchwardens, The Hon. Secretary, The Hon. Treas-urer, Elin Tattersall, Zoe Nichols, Chris Alford.


Flower and Clean Team: Teresa Day, Vivienne Ainsworth, Angela Wooldridge, Pauline McTear.


Nailsworth MU:     Trissa Jones, Tel: 832 551


Editor of Forerunner: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP Tel: 860 194


Gift Aid and Envelopes:   Jane Nichols, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel. 860 534.


Church Flowers Rota: Lorna Reynolds, Tel. 860 231


Organist:               Rosemary Sims, 15 Badger’s Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, GL6 0HE Tel: 832 446


Sidespersons:         Harry Tubbs, Rod Tibbert, Elin Tattersall, Godfrey Ainsworth, Jane Nichols.


Electoral Roll:        Elin Tattersall, 3 Boxwood Close, Tel.01453 860 182


Mowing Team:       Harry Tubbs, Sebastian Cooper, Rick Bond, Roger Lucy, Godfrey Ainsworth, Ken Davies, Brian McTear, John Moore, Tony Wooldridge.


Village Hall:       Bookings: Pauline McTear, Kingscote, Tel. 861 311

                            Secretary: Carol Paton, Bagpath, Tel. 860 649


Parish Council Chairman: Graham Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel: 01453 860 534


Parish Council Clerk: Anna Davison, Bagpath Court, GL8 8YG, Tel. 860 244


Village Agent:        Aileen Bendall, Tel. 07810 630 156 or 01452 426 868


Printer of Forerunner: Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Tel. 861 683                                                   

The Forerunner is published by the P.C.C. who are usually most willing to

accept copy from village groups and individuals. However, please note that the opinions and views expressed by the contributors within the Forerunner are not necessarily those of the Church, P.C.C. or Editor.