Do try and watch “Inside Out West” on BBC1 at 7:30pm on Monday 12 October.
You will be very surprised at what goes on in the fields around Kingscote at night…
Kind regards,
Graham Nichols
The Village Website for Kingscote & Newington Bagpath in Gloucestershire
Do try and watch “Inside Out West” on BBC1 at 7:30pm on Monday 12 October.
You will be very surprised at what goes on in the fields around Kingscote at night…
Kind regards,
Graham Nichols
Dear Friends & Neighbours
Just a quick note to inform you of a fireworks display taking place on Saturday 17th October 2015. The display is due to happen @ approximately 9.00pm. The firing is just for a few short minutes and we have informed the necessary authorities who are happy with the arrangements.
Kind regards
Service Calendar for October 2015
Sunday | 4th | Nailsworth
Kingscote Nailsworth Horsley |
8.00 am
9.30 am 11.00 am 11.00 am |
Holy Communion BCP
Morning Prayer BCP All-age service & Harvest Festival Holy Communion |
Wednesday | 7th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 11th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Horsley |
9.30 am
11.00 am 11.00 am |
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion Family Service & Harvest Festival |
Wednesday | 14th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 18th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Nailsworth Horsley
9.30 am
11.00 am 6.00 pm 11.00 am |
Family Service & Harvest Festival
Family Communion ‘One Voice’ service at St George’s Family Communion |
Wednesday | 21st | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 25th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Horsley Horsley |
9.30 am
11.00 am 11.00 am 6.00 pm |
Holy Communion CW
Holy Communion Messy Church Evensong BCP |
Wednesday | 28th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
The Little Angels mothers and toddlers group meets at 10.00 am on Fridays at Nailsworth Church. Refreshments served afterwards in the Parish Room.
The next PCC meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10 Nov.
On Saturday 17 October at 7.00 pm there will be an Evening Concert in the church given by local professional musicians. Refreshments will be served in the interval.
Diocesan News
Nailsworth Benefice
Kingscote Community
The Vicar’s Letter
Dear Friends,
As I write these words, the news is full of heartrending images and stories from across Europe and the Middle East about the incredible movement of people fleeing the conflict in Syria and Iraq in particular.
It has stirred strong and contrasting emotions, from those who would welcome anybody to our shores to those who would erect fences around our coastline to stop anyone coming in.
But is there a Christian reaction ?
Jesus tells us that we are to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves’. And he illustrates what he means with the story of the Good Samaritan. In that tale, those who you might expect to help a stricken man – the Priest and the Teacher of the Law – ignore him as they are too busy with other things.
Instead it is the Samaritan – a foreigner and outcast amongst the Jews of the time – who stoops to help this fallen Jew.
Jesus teaches that we should do to anyone in need what we would hope might be done to us.
We now live in a global village. That means our view of ‘neighbourhood’ should include all our fellow citizens of this planet. And, if we are a Christian country – as many still claim – our duty is to reach out tothose in need anddo all we can to alleviate their plight.
It is good to see so many local initiatives supporting national and international campaigns and I heartily commend those working in our area to find many ways to bring immediate relief and also long term hope for those so tragically uprooted.
With every blessing,
Mike Smith
Flower Rota
4th and 11th October
18 and 25 October HARVEST FESTIVAL |
Vivienne Ainsworth
Flower team |
We have a vacancy on the flower arranging team and anyone who is interested in joining us will be most welcome. The role involves placing flowers in the church once a year for a two weeks display. The church is cool and shady, so with a little bit of TLC and water they remain fresh and attractive. Please call me if you wish to discuss it, Tel. 860 231.
Weddings: There are no weddings booked in October.
Lorna Reynolds
Cleaning Team
The next church cleaning session is at 2.30 pm on Monday 12 October.
Anyone interested and prepared to spare an hour in the afternoon on the second Monday of the month, occasionally or regularly, please contact me on Tel. 860 367.
Teresa Day
Concert in Kingscote Church on Saturday 17 October
From 7.00 to 9.00 pm The Robinson Ensemble will be playing a varied and interesting programme of string music – the players have performed with the English String Orchestra and the English Symphony orchestra for several years.
The music will include Hayden’s String Quartet, Op. 76 no 2 (The ‘Fifths’).
As a special treat, they will also be bringing a French Horn player for the Mozart Horn Quintet K407.
There will be refreshments in the interval and the facilities in the Village Hall will be open.
Tickets are £5.00 from Georgina Harford: or Tel. 01453 860 227.
There will also be a donation box and all monies will go towards the upkeep of the church building. We hope that many of you will come and enjoy this event.
Village Hall Programme
Classical Guitar – Friday 2 October with Keith Hyett at 7.30 pm, admission £6-00 on the door or reserved at
Film night – Tuesday 13 October, The Theory of Everything, the story of Stephen Hawkins. 7.30 for 8.00 pm in the Reynolds Room. Admission free, pay bar.
Coffee Morning – Wednesday 21 October, 10.30 to 11.30 am. Coffee and cake £1.50.
There will not be a Harvest Festival Lunch this year as there is a special concert with interval refreshments in the church the evening before the Harvest service on 18 October.
Carol Paton
Grumbolds Ash Group
On Tuesday 27 October we will visit the Gloucester Quays Antiques Centre, one of the largest in the UK.
We meet at the Village Hall at 10.00 am to share the driving and the parking which is available at the Gloucester Quays multi-story car park GL1 5SH.
Jutta Tubbs
Book Club at 8.00 pm
Wednesday 7 October, Life after Life by Kate Atkinson, at Louise’s.
Monday 2 November, Go set a watchman by Harper Lee, at Angela’s.
New members always very welcome.
Angela Wooldridge
Free-range eggs for sale
Mrs Pat Cooksley of 2 The Windmill normally has some free-range eggs for sale at £1 for six. Best call afternoons.
Kingscote Parish Council
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 13 October at 8.00 pm in the Hunters Hall.
Planning Approval
21 Kingscote, first floor extension.
Planning Applications
St Bartholomew’s Church, Newington Bagpath, amended works to listed building.
Preliminary notice of possible future application to develop a solar farm at Woodleaze, Kingscote.
Healthwatch Gloucestershire
Healthwatch Gloucestershire is keen to reach more people and raise awareness about the work they do as a single point of access for health and social care information. They are also committed to gathering local people’s views and experiences on these matters, to improve services locally.
The organisation can be contacted on Tel. 0800 652 5193 and further information can be obtained on
Anna Davison, Tel. 860 244
Dog Poisoning in the Parish
During recent months there have been two cases of the poisoning of local domestic pet dogs: Winston in Bagpath (fatally) and Rosie (permanent damage) in Kingscote.
Winston – although he did not travel far from his home enclosure when he escaped, within a couple of hours he became seriously unwell and was put on drip by the vet. He deteriorated quickly and had to be put down. The vet was certain that poisoning was the cause but could not identify which. Clearly this was a very local source.
Rosie – was taken seriously ill and diagnosed as having ingested a strong toxin which caused multiple organ failure. After lengthy treatment involving 10 days on a drip at the vets she is now stable though impaired. The vets were unable to identify the type of poison involved. She has always been walked over a wide area in the parish and there are few direct clues as to where exactly the poison was ingested.
Legal status
It is not only anti-social but also illegal to leave poisoned bait of any kind where any domestic animals can access it.
The Editor
New Door for Tower and Gallery access
As some of you will have noticed, a fine new door has now been fitted at the base of the tower on the south side. The previous door had deteriorated seriously due to rain and sunlight, and its replacement was long overdue.
This door leads to the ‘Ringing Chamber’ where many years ago a group of bellringers would have rung before services. Later there were pews for the farm hands and milkmaids, as evidenced by the hefty boot-scraper beside the door.
The new door was made for us by the well known local craftsman James Pitt.
Weekly Recycling – Green food boxes and wheelie bins
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays.
Fortnightly Recycling – Black boxes, White Bags and Blue bags
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 2, 16 and 30 October.
Fortnightly Waste – Grey wheelie bins to landfill
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 2, 16 and 30 October.
Bus Timetable Enquiries -Ring traveline on 0871 200 2233.
Mobile Library
The next visits will be on Fridays 2 and 30 October when the van will park as usual in front of The Walled Garden from 9.30 to 11.30 am.
Any material which may be of interest for the next issue of the Forerunner should be sent by 20 October to H. Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Tel. 860 194.
The Editor
Small beer, son
(From a letter to The Times on 11 September by Chris Wheeldon )
Sent by telegram from a ‘poor’ student:
“Dear Mum. No mon. No fun. Your son.”
To which he received the reply:
“Dear Lad. So sad. Too bad. Your Dad.”
Some of us rely on the Bible as a guide
(Copied from the journal of The Coble and Keelboat Society, a group
working to preserve the inshore fishing heritage of the Northeast Coast)
An old but true story, still told in Hull, concerns a north country skipper who had to deliver an Admiralty drifter to Malta just after WWI.
He arrived in good order, but several weeks late. The naval officer who had issued the instructions had worked out the probable time of the passage and could not understand the delay. So he asked the Fleet Navigating Officer to investigate.
The officer asked to see the log.
“Bless you sir, we don’t keep a log, not in a drifter.” said the skipper.
Can I see your charts ? Asked the officer.
But there were no charts either.
But how did you find your way to Malta at all ? Queried the puzzled officer.
“Ah, said the skipper. You see I’ve got a Bible with maps at the back of it.”
(He would also have had a compass which is necessary to get home in a North Sea fog. The Editor.)
Studying Religion
(A prayer written by Samuel Johnson, 1709 ~ 1784, famous for compiling the first English dictionary.)
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, without whose help labour is useless, and without whose light search is in vain, invigorate my studies and direct my enquiries, that I may, by due diligence and right discernment, establish myself and others in thy holy faith. Take not, O Lord, thy Holy Spirit from me, let not evil thoughts have domination in my mind. Let me not linger in ignorance, but enlighten and support me.
Parish Directory
Vicar: Reverend Mike Smith, Nailsworth, Tel. 07840 260 182
Curate: Reverend Sue Sobczak, Horsley, Tel. 01453 833 526
Reader Sue White, Nailsworth, Tel: 01453 835 693
Churchwardens: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP. Tel: 860 194
Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Kingscote, GL8 8XY Tel: 861 683
Hon.Sec.PCC: Georgina Harford, Ashcroft House, Kingscote, GL8 8YF Tel: 01453 860 227
Hon.Treas.PCC: Jane Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote, GL8 8YB Tel. 01453 860 534
Members of PCC: The Churchwardens, The Hon. Secretary, The Hon. Treasurer, Elin Tattersall, Zoe Nichols, Chris Alford.
Flower and Clean Team: Teresa Day, Vivienne Ainsworth, Angela Wooldridge, Pauline McTear.
Nailsworth MU: Trissa Jones, Tel: 832 551
Editor of Forerunner: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP Tel: 860 194
Gift Aid and Envelopes: Jane Nichols, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel. 860 534.
Church Flowers Rota: Lorna Reynolds, Tel. 860 231
Organist: Rosemary Sims, 15 Badger’s Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, GL6 0HE, Tel: 832 446
Sidespersons: Harry Tubbs, Rod Tibbert, Elin Tattersall, Godfrey Ainsworth, Jane Nichols.
Electoral Roll: Elin Tattersall, 3 Boxwood Close, Tel.01453 860 182
Mowing Team: Harry Tubbs, Sebastian Cooper, Rick Bond, Roger Lucy, Godfrey Ainsworth, Ken Davies, Brian McTear, John Moore, Tony Wooldridge.
Village Hall: Bookings: Pauline McTear, Kingscote, Tel. 861 311
Secretary: Carol Paton, Bagpath, Tel. 860 649
Parish Council Chairman: Graham Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel: 01453 860 534
Parish Council Clerk: Anna Davison, Bagpath Court, GL8 8YG, Tel. 860 244
Village Agent: Aileen Bendall, Tel. 07810 630 156 or 01452 426 868
Printer of Forerunner: Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Tel. 861 683
The Forerunner is published by the P.C.C. who are usually most willing to
accept copy from village groups and individuals. However, please note that the opinions and views expressed by the contributors within the Forerunner are not necessarily those of the Church, P.C.C. or Editor.
You may have noticed that the council added “No Food Waste” stickers to our bins last week. As a reminder, please see the information below about food waste collection:
The link is here:
Your food waste container is emptied weekly and must be out at the kerbside with the lid in the locked position by 7 am on your collection day, but no earlier than the previous evening. Please ensure your food waste container is visible from the roadside. Make sure the position does not endanger other pavement or highway users.
To find your house’s bin, food waste and recycling collection dates please:
If you are unable to carry your food waste container to the front of your property you can arrange for an assisted collection.
We can supply up to three food waste containers per household. If you have signed up for our garden waste collection, you may choose to put your food waste in the garden waste wheelie bin.
Yes please
No thanks
Your food waste container is dishwasher proof but if you wish to line it you can either:
To ensure that the newspaper or liner is taken along with the food waste, make sure that the newspaper is wrapped completely around the food waste or that the top of the compostable liner is tied up.
Ubico staff will not remove a newspaper/liner which is stuck to the inside of a food waste container after it has been emptied.
Please do not wrap food waste in foil or plastic bags. This type of material will contaminate the composting process.
Please note that you are advised not to add meat fish and bones to your home compost bin, as it can attract vermin. However, you can recycle these items in your food waste container.
Processed organic waste collected in Gloucestershire, including the food and garden waste collected from Cotswold residents, is now being sold to the public as a soil improver. It is available from all household recycling centres, including Fosse Cross, at £3.50 for a 40 litre sack. The quality of the material is so good that it should not be used directly as compost, but rather as a conditioner to be dug in with existing soil.
Please see attached notice of road closure between Windmill Lane and Lampern Hill for roadworks, effective 29th September.
Road Closure Kingscote
Healthwatch Gloucestershire is keen to work with Parish Councils to reach more people and raise awareness about the work we do.
As part of our commitment to collecting local views and experiences we are holding public events in all localities in Gloucestershire, inviting people to come along to hear more about the work we do and how we use the information provided to influence the planning and delivery of local health services. We would be very grateful if you could display the attached poster and if possible include the paragraph below in your Parish newsletter to help us advertise this event.
Healthwatch Gloucestershire acts as a single point of access for health and social care information and provides an advice and signposting service to help people make informed choices. We also gather local peoples’ views and experiences on health and social care using these views to improve services locally.
If you would like to hear more about the work of Healthwatch Gloucestershire and would like to share your experiences with us please join us at our Public Event at The Westwood Centre, Bassett Road, Northleach GL54 3QJ on Wednesday 14th October 2015 from 7.00 to 9pm. There will also be a talk by the South Western Ambulance Service, which aims to give a better understanding of current ambulance provision. This will be followed by a Q & A session. Please call Healthwatch Gloucestershire on 0800 652 5193 to book your place.
Many thanks,
Helen Imm
Healthwatch Information Adviser
Healthwatch Gloucestershire
Community House 15 College Green Gloucester GL1 2LZ
Tel: 01452 504989 Freephone: 0800 652 5193 Website:
15.10.14 – BoardMeetingPoster-Northleach DRAFT
The Audit has been completed by the external Auditors and is available to view.
Please contact Anna on 01453 860244 or email:
A chance to see “Faberge – A Life of its Own” film
Thursday 17th September
Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester
In aid of Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust
Service Calendar for September 2015
Wednesday | 2nd | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 6th | NailsworthKingscote
Nailsworth Horsley |
8.00 am9.30 am
11.00 am 11.00 am |
Holy CommunionMorning Prayer BCP
All-age service Holy Communion |
Wednesday | 9th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 13th | Christ Church Nailsworth | 10.30 am | Joint service for Benefice and Christ Church congregations |
Wednesday | 16th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 20th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Nailsworth
Horsley |
9.30 am
11.00 am 6.00 pm
11.00 am |
Family ServiceFamily Communion
‘One Voice’ service at Christ Church on Newmarket Road Family Communion |
Wednesday | 23rd | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 27th | KingscoteNailsworth
Horsley Horsley |
9.30 am11.00 am
11.00 am 6.00 pm |
Holy Communion CWHoly Communion
Messy Church Evensong BCP |
Wednesday | 30th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
The Little Angels mothers and toddlers group meets on Fridays at 9.45 am at Nailsworth. Refreshments served afterwards in the Parish Room.
The next PCC meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the Lady Chapel on Tuesday 8 Sept.
The Harvest Festival Service this year will take place at 9.30 am on Sunday 18 October.
Diocesan News
Nailsworth Benefice
Kingscote Community
The Vicar’s Letter
Dear Friends,
Where has the summer gone ? Time seems to pass so quickly these days (no doubt a symptom of increasing age !).
But a year ago I was writing my first ever letter and preparing to move in to
Nailsworth and take up the reins as Vicar of Horsley, Kingscote and Nailsworth. Everything was new, not to say bewildering.
That gave me an excuse when things did not go quite right …. but after a year the ‘honeymoon’ period is over and the excuse of ‘I’m new here’ no longer holds true.
Any slip ups are now, quite simply, my fault !
As I look back over the first year I can see it was quite a steep learning curve – not least trying to remember so many names in three very different communities. I can see that there were times when there wasn’t quite enough of me to go round when meetings or events clashed on the same day at the same time and I had to have the Wisdom of Solomon to make the choice.
But there are two things of which I have been sure:
Firstly, that this is the right place to be. Such a beautiful place, such warm and friendly people, such a lot to do !
Secondly and more importantly, that it has been God who has led me. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. His love never falters, his wisdom is unbreakable.
So, with those two thoughts in my mind I head into the uncharted territory of year two with confidence !
With every blessing,
Mike Smith
Flower Rota
6th and 13th September
20th and 27th September 4th and 11th October |
Jenny Tibbert
Elin Tattersall Vivienne Ainsworth |
Saturday 12 September, 1.30 pm Richard Tyler and Jessica Mullan
Wednesday 16 September, 3.15 pm Luke Osbourne and Amy Elliot
Saturday 26 September, 1.30 pm Julian Cooke and Laura McGinty
Lorna Reynolds
Cleaning Team
The next church cleaning session is at 2.30 pm on Monday 14 September.
Anyone interested and prepared to spare an hour in the afternoon on the second Monday of the month, occasionally or regularly, please contact me on Tel. 860 367.
Teresa Day
Village Hall Programme
Film Night – Tuesday 8 September, The Imitation Game starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing of Enigma fame: 7.30 for 8.00 pm, admission free, Pay Bar.
Coffee morning – Tuesday 15 September: Coffee and cake £1.50, 10.30 to 11.30 am.
Carol Paton
Village Hall Committee
We are looking for new members to join the committee this Autumn – and in particular for a treasurer as Viv Ainsworth, who has been dealing very successfully with our finances for the last few years, has decided that she would like to stand down.
Our finances are currently on a sound footing and Viv says that it is not a particularly difficult or time consuming job and she would be happy to talk to any would-be treasurers !
We would also like some of the new people who have moved into the village to join us. We meet every 4 ~ 6 weeks over a glass of wine to discuss future events and any maintenance issues. Please contact Carol Paton on 860 649 if you would be interested.
Grumbolds Ash Group
On Tuesday 8 September we visit the famous David Austin rose garden and nursery. This gives us a chance to see first-hand and order plants for our gardens next year. We meet at 9.30 am at the VH to share the driving.
Austin Roses, Bowling Green Lane, Albrighton, nr. Wolverhampton, WV7 3HB
Jutta Tubbs
Book Club at 8.00 pm
Wednesday 2 September, Towers of Tuscany by Carol M Cram, at Viv’s.
Wednesday 7 October, Life after Life by Kate Atkinson, at Louise’s.
Monday 2 November, Go set a watchman, at Angela’s.
New members always very welcome.
Angela Wooldridge
Free-range eggs for sale
Mrs Pat Cooksley of 2 The Windmill normally has some free-range eggs for sale at £1 for six. Best callafternoons.
Kingscote Parish Council
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 13 October at 8.00 pm in the Hunters Hall.
Planning Applications
St Bartholemew’s Church, Newington Bagpath, amended works to listed building.
Preliminary notice of possible future application to develop a solar farm at Woodleaze, Kingscote.
21 Kingscote, first floor extension.
Planning Appeal
Anearobic Digester at Chavenage (Stroud District).
Anna Davison, Tel. 860 244
Weekly Recycling – Green food boxes and wheelie bins
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays.
Fortnightly Recycling – Black boxes, White Bags and Blue bags
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 4 and 18 Sept.
Fortnightly Waste – Grey wheelie bins to landfill
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 4 and 18 September.
Bus Timetable Enquiries -Ring traveline on 0871 200 2233.
Mobile Library
The next visit will be on Friday 4 September when the van will park as usual in front of The Walled Garden from 9.30 to 11.30 am.
Any materialwhich may be of interest for the next issue of the Forerunner should be sent by 20 September to
H. Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Tel. 860 194.
The Editor
Ride and stride – Saturday 12 September
This annual event organised by the Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust raises funds for the restoration of churches of all denominations in Gloucestershire. They have been most generous in supporting our parish church over the years.
Many churches all over Gloucestershire are manned, supplying refreshments and recording the visits. Sponsorship forms are supplied and people are encouraged to visit as many of them as possible. Half of the money raised goes to a church of your choice and half to the Trust for its discretionary allocation.
If you prefer to visit more churches with fewer inclines, the Sharpness canal path by Frampton is a good choice.
Georgina Harford
A date for your diary: Concert in Kingscote Church on Saturday 17 October
We are delighted to announce that The Robinson Ensemble is kindly putting on a concert in Kingscote Church on Saturday 17 October, 7.00 to 9.00 pm. They are also including Mike Revell for a performance of the Mozart Horn Quintet.
Tickets will be £5, with donations welcome, and all monies will go towards the upkeep of the church.
Further details will be given in the October issue of the Forerunner.
Georgina Harford
Memories of Growing up in Kingscote
The little book written and published by Rosemary Sims our organist has now been accepted by the British Library for its collection and register, which is a nice milestone in the story. However she has had to supply 5 copies to an agent in Edinburg for distribution to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and elsewhere. The price of fame !
The Editor
Cosmic Clarity
Sometimes I think that the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
Patrick Kidd, The Times 4 August 2015
Bills into Mills – Copied from the Diocesan Messenger for September 2015
Did you know that the Gloucester Diocese has a partnership with Stroud-based green energy company Ecotricity ? The company puts its profits back into building windmills, with its ‘bills into mills’ model.
Ecotricity does this in pursuit of a vision for a Green Britain – a place in which we all live more sustainable lives and where ethical business is the norm – pursuing outcomes other than just profit. All Ecotricity customers are on the latest, best and same price, no matter when they joined or how they pay.
Switching to Ecotricity is one of the single biggest things you can do to cut your carbon emissions. Its only electricity tariff is 100% green and it also offers one
single green gas tariff. What’s more, there are no exit fees or penalties for leaving.
Switch to Ecotricity and you get a voucher worth up to £25 to spend at Waitrose or John Lewis. Plus, for every household, vicarage or church that switches, Ecotricity will donate £25 to the Diocese of Gloucester into a special fund that will support new, local environmental projects.
They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it.
Death cannot kill what never dies.
Nor can spirits ever be divided that love and live in the same
divine principle, the root and record of their friendship.
If absence be not death, neither is theirs.
Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas;
They live in one another still. For they must needs be present,
That love and live in that which is omnipresent.
This is the comfort of friends, that though they may be said to die,
Yet their friendship and society are in the best sense,
Ever present, because immortal.
William Penn (1644 –1718)
Dag Hammarskjöld
(A Swedish diplomat who died in a suspicious plane crash in
Africa in 1961 as Secretary General of the United Nations;
the prayer below was later found in his personal papers)
Have mercy upon us.
Have mercy upon our efforts, that we before thee,
In love and in faith, righteousness and humility,
May follow thee, with self denial, steadfastness and courage,
And meet thee in the silence.
Give us
A pure heart that we may see thee,
A humble heart that we may hear thee,
A heart of love that we may serve thee,
A heart of faith that we may love thee.
Whom I do not know but whose I am.
Thou Whom I do not comprehend
But who has dedicated me to my fate.
Thou –
Parish Directory
Vicar: Reverend Mike Smith, Nailsworth, Tel. 07840 260 182
Curate: Reverend Sue Sobczak, Horsley, Tel. 01453 833 526
Reader Sue White, Nailsworth, Tel: 01453 835 693
Churchwardens: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP Tel: 860 194
Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Kingscote, GL8 8XY Tel: 861 683
Hon.Sec.PCC: Georgina Harford, Ashcroft House, Kingscote, GL8 8YF Tel: 01453 860 227
Hon.Treas.PCC: Jane Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote, GL8 8YB Tel. 01453 860 534
Members of PCC: The Churchwardens, The Hon. Secretary, The Hon. Treasurer, Elin Tattersall, Zoe Nichols, Chris Alford.
Flower and Clean Team: Teresa Day, Vivienne Ainsworth, Angela Wooldridge, Pauline McTear.
Nailsworth MU: Trissa Jones, Tel: 832 551
Editor of Forerunner: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP Tel: 860 194
Gift Aid and Envelopes: Jane Nichols, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel. 860 534.
Church Flowers Rota: Lorna Reynolds, Tel. 860 231
Organist: Rosemary Sims, 15 Badger’s Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, GL6 0HE Tel: 832 446
Sidespersons: Harry Tubbs, Rod Tibbert, Elin Tattersall, Godfrey Ainsworth, Jane Nichols.
Electoral Roll: Elin Tattersall, 3 Boxwood Close, Tel.01453 860 182
Mowing Team: Harry Tubbs, Sebastian Cooper, Rick Bond, Roger Lucy, Godfrey Ainsworth, Ken Davies, Brian McTear, John Moore, Tony Wooldridge.
Village Hall: Bookings: Pauline McTear, Kingscote, Tel. 861 311
Secretary: Carol Paton, Bagpath, Tel. 860 649
Parish Council Chairman: Graham Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel: 01453 860 534
Parish Council Clerk: Anna Davison, Bagpath Court, GL8 8YG, Tel. 860 244
Village Agent: Aileen Bendall, Tel. 07810 630 156 or 01452 426 868
Printer of Forerunner: Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Tel. 861 683
The Forerunner is published by the P.C.C. who are usually most willing to
accept copy from village groups and individuals. However, please note that the opinions and views expressed by the contributors within the Forerunner are not necessarily those of the Church, P.C.C. or Editor.