The Forerunner – December 2015


Service Calendar for December 2015

Wednesday 2nd Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Sunday    6th NailsworthKingscoteNailsworth


   8.00 am   9.30 am 11.00 am

11.00 am

Holy Communion BCPMorning Prayer BCPFamily Service

Holy Communion

Wednesday    9th Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Thursday 10th Horsley 3.15 pm Messy Church
Sunday 13th Kingscote



  9.30 am

11.00 am

11.00 am

Holy Communion BCP

Holy Communion

Family Service

Wednesday 16th Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Sunday 20th Kingscote





 9.30 am

11.00 am

6.00 pm

4.00 pm

Family Service

Family Communion

Town Carol Service

Carol Service

Tuesday 22nd Kingscote 7.00 pm Carol Service
Wednesday 23rd Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion
Christmas Eve 24th HorsleyNailsworthNailsworth    6.00 pm6.00 pm11.30 pm Nativity ServiceCrib ServiceMidnight Communion
Christmas Day 25th Kingscote



 9.30 am

11.00 am

11.00 am

Christmas Communion

Christmas Communion

Christmas Communion

Sunday 27th Kingscote


  9.30 am

11.00 am


Holy Communion CW

Holy Communion


Wednesday 30th Nailsworth 10.00 am Holy Communion



The Little Angels mothers and toddlers group meets at 10.00 am on Fridays at Nailsworth Church, except on Christmas Day.

The next PCC meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall on Tuesday 12 Jan.

     Diocesan News       


     Nailsworth Benefice

     Kingscote Community


The Vicar’s Letter

Dear Friends,

Because of the vagaries of copy dates I sat down to write this in mid-November. I pressed the first key on my computer as the reality of the shootings and bombings in Paris broke early on Saturday morning 14 November.

I was going to write a Christmas and New Year message, but at first that seemed inappropriate given the terrible tragedy in Paris and the continuing tragedy of the refugee crisis across so much of the Middle East and Africa.

But actually, the message of Christmas speaks directly to moments like this.

In his great prophesy in the Bible, Isaiah writes these words as he foresaw the coming of Jesus, the Messiah: ‘For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’. We hear these words at Christmas regularly as a reminder of God’s promise.

Jesus came to bring peace. And his ability to overcome death is a reminder of the power of love at work in our world even now.

When we look at the world, it all too often seems a dark place, and the terrible happenings in Paris and in Syria, as well as our own personal tragedies, can make the darkness seem intense.

But another of the great Christmas readings, often read in the darkness of midnight, comes from John’sgospel:‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’

The promise is that evil will not win, in the end !

May God bless you at Christmas and in the New Year, and may you see the light shining in the darkness.

Mike Smith

Flower Rota

29 November to 25 December   ADVENT CANDLES

25 to 27 December                    CHRISTMAS

Soffi Bond

Flower Team


We thank all who have contributed to the beautiful floral displays in the church during the past year.

Lorna Reynolds

Bagpath Carol Singing

The Carol Singers will be in Bagpath on Wednesday 23 December. If you would like to join us then we will leave Valley Cottage at 6.30 pm. Please bring a torch.

Monies donated will be sent to The Children’s Society or another appropriate charity.

Carol Paton

Cleaning Team

The next church cleaning session is at 2.30 pm on Monday 14 December.

Anyone interested and prepared to spare an hour in the afternoon on the second Monday of the month, occasionally or regularly, please contact me on Tel. 860 367.

Teresa Day

Village Hall Programme

Children’s party and Film show– Saturday 5 December, 3.00 to 6.00 pm.

The film Elf will be shown and there will be food and activities. Tickets are free. All children must be accompanied by an adult with whom they are well accustomed. There will be a donation box for charity. Mulled wine on sale for adults. Contact for more details.

Christmas Coffee morning – Wednesday 16 December, 10.30 to 11.30 am, coffee and mince pies £1.50

Carol Paton


Grumbolds Ash Group

On Tuesday 8 December we will meet at the Hare and Hounds, Westonbirt, for our festive lunch at 12.30 for 1.00 pm. Please arrange car sharing beforehand. As usual bring a small gift for the lucky dip. Any residents who have not booked but would like to come, please let me know immediately.

Jutta Tubbs, Tel. 860 194

Book Club at 8.00 pm 

Tuesday 15 December at Teresa’s to discuss The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver and/or The White Road by Edmund de Wall.

Tuesday 19 January The Nightmare by Lars Kepler. Venue to be decided.

New members always very welcome.

Angela Wooldridge

Kingscote Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 26 January at 8.00 pm in the Hunters Hall.

First Aid course: This will take place on 16 February but if you intend to upgrade to the full 7hr First Aid at Work qualification, keep 23 January free. Please contact Anna Davison to reserve a place.


Planning Applications:

Lasborough Park, modification of garden walls and landscape features.

Bagpath Court Cottage, erection of replacement dwelling following demolition of existing building.

The Parish Council wishes all our residents a Merry Christmas

Anna Davison, Tel. 860 244


Free-range eggs for sale

Mrs Pat Cooksley of 2 The Windmill normally has some free-range eggs for sale at £1 for six. Best call afternoons.


Weekly Recycling – Green food boxes and wheelie bins

All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays, except for 25 December which is delayed until Monday 28 December.


Fortnightly Recycling – Black boxes, White Bags and Blue bags

All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fri.11and Mon. 28 December.


Fortnightly Waste – Grey wheelie bins to landfill

All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fri.11and Mon. 28 December.


Bus Timetable Enquiries -Ring traveline on 0871 200 2233.


Mobile Library

The next visit will be on Friday 22 January when the van will park in front of The Walled Garden from 10.00 am to 12 noon.


January Magazine

Any material which may be of interest for the next issue of the Forerunner should be sent by Friday 18 December to H. Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Tel. 860 194.


The Editor


The PCC wishes all residents of the parish a Happy and Joyful Christmas

and invites you to join us at our services



The Light in the Darkness


(From the Bishop of Gloucester, the Rt Revd Rachel Treweek,

in the December Diocesan Messenger)


In recent weeks I have been struck by how many events there are in local towns and villages involving the switching on of lights. And this month there will be numerous carol services at which will be read these words about Jesus Christ:


In him was life and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1 verses 4~5)


In the physical darkness of December we are perhaps more aware of the deeper darkness in our world. It is not only about conflict and suffering in places far away, it is also about the communities in which we live and the lives of those we know, often in places of pain or struggle. It is also about the dark places deep within each of us where destructive thoughts and emotions lurk, such as fear, pride and shame.


In all of this we can easily be fooled into believing that the darkness is stronger than the light. Too often we fail to grasp the truth that the hope and light of Jesus Christ transforms the darkness.


In this month of Christmas lights and candles, may we each have the courage to expose the dark places within us to the light and love of Christ. And as we open ourselves to transformation may we grow to be more confident bearers of Christ’s light and hope, in who we are, and what we say and do among the people and places of our daily lives.


Have a considerate Christmas – This year, when you do your Christmas shopping, ask yourself these five simple questions: Do I need to buy this item? Can I buy it second hand? Is it ethically sourced? Is it locally made? How much packaging or waste has it created?


Faith in the World


(The Revd Bruce Goodwin, chaplain at the University of Gloucester

reflects on life on campus in the December Diocesan Messenger)


The levels of faith among students can range from those who are cultural Christians through to ‘born again’ believers. Many young people sign up to the Christian Union, with even more going along to local churches. But no matter where students of faith may be in their walk, they have many opportunities to engage with Gloucester Diocese Chaplains.


Of course, some students and staff are more wary about Christianity, but that is often for personal reasons. People’s reactions to Christians on campus are no different to those across society in general.

One way of expressing faith is through social action, with the chaplains trying to encourage students to do something intentional. This could be with a local church or the Christian Union, such as helping those coming out of nightclubs or reaching out to the homeless. The aim of these events is to help the students to make the connection between their faith and actions.


Christian students can make a huge difference. The support they receive can either set them up for a life given to God or can see them drift away from their faith. It is a crucial time and the Chaplains make it a priority to spend one-to-one time with students as much as they can.



The Spiritual Law of Life


(from the 5th Century AD Leonine Sacramentary, which is a

collection of prayers based on the work of Pope Leo.)

You have made for us this law: that the effect of what comes

to us from without should depend on what we are like within.


Thus no external misfortune will overcome us if we restrain the

vices inside us.


No public disgrace will overwhelm us if we resist our own

disgraceful desires.


No outward disturbance will daunt us if our intentions are pure.


No enemy can rob us of our peace if our hearts are fixed on you.


No one can do more harm to us than we do to ourselves; and as soon

as we master ourselves, everything else loses its power to hurt us.


For this spiritual law, we give you thanks.




For the children:



A song was heard at Christmas


A song was heard at Christmas,

To wake the midnight sky.

A saviour’s birth, and peace on earth,

And praise to God on high.

The angels sang at Christmas

With all the hosts above,

And still we sing the new born King

His glory and his love.


Timothy Dudley-Smith









Parish Directory





Vicar:                    Reverend Mike Smith, 3 Vicarage Gardens, Nailsworth, GL6 0QS, Tel. 07840 260 182


Curate:                  Reverend Sue Sobczak, Horsley, Tel. 01453 833 526


Reader                  Sue White, Nailsworth, Tel: 01453 835 693


Churchwardens:   Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP. Tel: 860 194

                            Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Kingscote, GL8 8XY Tel: 861 683


Hon.Sec.PCC:        Georgina Harford, Ashcroft House, Kingscote, GL8 8YF Tel: 01453 860 227


Hon.Treas.PCC:    Jane Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote,

                            GL8 8YB Tel. 01453 860 534

Members of PCC:   The Churchwardens, The Hon. Secretary, The Hon. Treasurer, Elin Tattersall, Zoe Nichols, Chris Alford.


Flower and Clean Team: Teresa Day, Angela Wooldridge, Pauline McTear.


Nailsworth MU:     Trissa Jones,   Tel: 832 551


Editor of Forerunner: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP Tel: 860 194


Gift Aid and Envelopes:   Jane Nichols, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel. 860 534.


Church Flowers Rota: Lorna Reynolds, Tel. 860 231


Organist:               Rosemary Sims, 15 Badger’s Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, GL6 0HE Tel: 832 446


Sidespersons:         Harry Tubbs, Rod Tibbert, Elin Tattersall, Godfrey Ainsworth, Jane Nichols.


Electoral Roll:        Elin Tattersall, 3 Boxwood Close, Tel.01453 860 182


Mowing Team:      Harry Tubbs, Sebastian Cooper, Rick Bond, Roger Lucy, Godfrey Ainsworth, Ken Davies

                            Brian McTear, John Moore, Tony Wooldridge.


Village Hall:          Bookings: Pauline McTear, Kingscote, Tel. 861 311


                            Secretary: Carol Paton, Bagpath, Tel. 860 649


Parish Council Chairman: Graham Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel: 01453 860 534


Parish Council Clerk: Anna Davison, Bagpath Court, GL8 8YG, Tel. 860 244


Village Agent:        Aileen Bendall, Tel. 07810 630 156 or 01452 426 868


Printer of Forerunner: Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Tel. 861 683                                                  




The Forerunner is published by the P.C.C. who are usually most willing to

accept copy from village groups and individuals. However, please note that the opinions and views expressed by the contributors within the Forerunner are not necessarily those of the Church, P.C.C. or Editor.

Cotswold District Citizens Advice service

Dear colleagues

As part of our national re-branding, I have pleasure in attaching new publicity information about our Cotswold District Citizens Advice service.

Please note that our Drop-in Sessions in Cirencester now close at 3pm to ensure that we can give adequate time to people who call in towards the end of the session. The Freephone Helpline is still available until 4pm.

For people wishing to make an appointment for advice in Bourton-on-the-Water or Northleach, they can now do so by calling us directly on the Freephone Helpline rather than through the GP receptionists. We hope this will enable us to resolve some people’s problems on the phone to avoid the need for an appointment.

We are also launching our new website which is Please can you update any links you may have to our website or anywhere else where this information is publicized.

Please print out and display the attached information or distribute by email to any colleagues that need it.

More details of services and opening times are all on our website.

Sally Pickering

Chief Officer
Citizens Advice Stroud and Cotswold Districts
Telephone : 01453 758252 Ex 201
Stroud and District Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd
A charity (#1096398) and a company limited by guarantee (#4389411).
registered in England with address Unit 8, Brunel Mall, London Road, Stroud GL5 2BP
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 617757)

14158 Cotswold CAB 2pp DL 2015-FINAL

CDC backs NHS Winter information campaign

Cotswold District Council is helping to promote the NHS Gloucestershire Winter ASAP (Choose Well) public information campaign. The campaign targets adults and parents of young children, providing advice on what to do if they are ill or injured and are unsure where to turn.

The ASAP promotional material encourages them to:

Check out the special ASAP App, Search the ASAP website, Ask NHS 111 or pop in to their local Pharmacy.

The role of pharmacists is highlighted, as they are a resource that is often overlooked when people are looking for advice on whether or not they need to use other NHS services.

Cllr Sue Coakley, CDC’s Cabinet Member for Health, Environment and Communities, is keen to spread the word about ASAP:

“The ASAP website and related App are extremely useful. They allow users to ‘Search by Service’ or ‘Search by Condition’ and provide a step-by-step guide through symptoms, self-care and signposting to appropriate NHS services. Users can also find opening hours and information about the location of services.

“We are encouraging local people in the Cotswolds to add the ASAP website in a new window) to their favourites and also download the related App free from the App store (ASAP Glos NHS). They can also follow very useful postings about the campaign on social media, via Facebook (ASAP Gloucestershire NHS(opens in a new window)) and Twitter (@ASAPGlosNHS(opens in a new window)).

“We would appreciate it very much if local organisations and groups could support the campaign by displaying web banners or posters, distributing leaflets or flyers or by including an article in their publications. They should contact to find out more.

Bob McNally
Press and Media Liaison Officer,
Cotswold District Council
Tel: 01285 623120

Children’s Christmas Party – Saturday 5th December

Kingscote is hosting a Children’s Christmas party and film show on Saturday 5th December from 3pm-6pm.
The film “Elf” will be shown, and there will be food and activities.
Tickets are free and all children must be accompanied throughout. There will a donations box for charity.
Contact: or for more details.

Wreath Making Workshop

carolineclementsCreate your own handmade Christmas wreath with Caroline Clements Flowers.

Where: Kings Arms, Didmarton

Friday 11th December 10am-12 noon or
Monday 14th December 7.30pm-9.30pm

Tickets £40 – includes cakes & refreshments

To book email or call 07769 975436

Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the latest Kingscote Parish Council Meeting of 13th October 2015 may be found here:  Please note these are unapproved and will not be approved until the next meeting on 26th January.

Anna Davison
Clerk to Parish Council

The Vicar’s Tale – Friday 13th November

Enjoy a glass of wine and a listen to our “Nearly New” Vicar, Rev. Mike Smith, give a talk on his life, “The Vicar’s Tale: From the gasworks of Oldham to the leafy lanes of Kingscote – tales of an itinerant man!”    Everyone welcome.

When: Friday 13th November at 8pm
Where: Kingscote Village Hall

Godfrey Ainsworth, Churchwarden