Hattie Bloomer is looking for a dog walker to walk her friendly labrador, Connie, from time to time.
Please contact her if you can help.
The Village Website for Kingscote & Newington Bagpath in Gloucestershire
Hattie Bloomer is looking for a dog walker to walk her friendly labrador, Connie, from time to time.
Please contact her if you can help.
I am writing as you previously gave us your views on the Gloucestershire County Council website and agreed to help us as we develop the site. The feedback we received from you so far has been really useful and shared with council staff as we gather ideas on how we should build a new version of the website.
We have some more activities that we would like some help with as we start to refine our ideas. We need fifty of you to complete this online activity that will help us identify the top tasks that people come to our site to complete. It will close once fifty people have completed so get in quick!
We also want to invite volunteers to come to workshops at Shire Hall in Gloucester to discuss in person how they use the site and give us their ideas on how we design the new site to make it as easy as possible for people in Gloucestershire to use. We are running two sessions on 26th April from 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00. Please email us if you would be interested in attending one of these events. (you will need to be able to get to Shire Hall). We will select volunteers in order that we represent as broad a cross section of the community as possible. If you are not included this time we will make sure you are first on the list for future workshops! Please let us know if you are interested in attending by 1st April.
Best regards
Amy Davies
Consultation Officer
Public Relations & Engagement Team
Gloucestershire County Council
Block 3 Floor 1, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TG
Tel: 01452 583813
Dear All,
PRIVATE Fireworks at The Kingscote Barn on FRIDAY 11th MARCH 2016 at APPROX 9.15PM for approximately 8/10 mins and will be run by Coates Fireworks.
Kind Regards,
Service Calendar for March 2016
Wednesday | 2nd | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Mothering Sunday |
6th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Nailsworth Horsley |
9.30 am
8.00 am 11.00 am 11.00 am |
Family Service
Holy Communion BCP Family Service & Baptism Family Service |
Wednesday | 9th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Sunday | 13th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Nailsworth
9.30 am
11.00 am 3.30 pm |
Holy Communion BCP
Holy Communion Messy Church at Nailsworth School |
Wednesday | 16th | Nailsworth
10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Palm Sunday |
20th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Nailsworth
9.30 am
11.00 am 6.00 pm |
Family Service
Family Communion One Voice at Christ Church |
Wednesday | 23rd | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
Thursday | 24th | Horsley
Nailsworth |
2.15 pm
7.00 pm |
Messy Church
Holy Communion and Stripping of the church |
Good Friday | 25th | Nailsworth | 2.00 pm | Meditation on the Final Hour of the Cross |
Easter Sunday |
27th | Kingscote
Nailsworth Horsley |
9.30 am
11.00 am 11.00 am |
Holy Communion CW
Holy Communion Holy Communion |
Wednesday | 30th | Nailsworth | 10.00 am | Holy Communion |
The Little Angels mothers and toddlers group meets at 10.00 am on Fridays at Nailsworth Church except for on 25 March. Refreshments served afterwards in the Parish Rooms.
The next PCC meeting will be at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall on Tuesday 8 March.
Diocesan News www.gloucester.anglican.org/news/publications
Nailsworth Benefice www.stgeorgesnailsworth.org.uk
Kingscote Community www.kingscoteonline.co.uk
The Vicar’s Letter
Dear Friends,
March sees the first day of spring (officially 20 March). Yet looking at my garden, the first daffodils were out in January; there was blossom on some trees pretty soon after; my strawberries have never stopped flowering and I could have carried on cutting the grass all over the official winter as it never stopped growing.
Also, we have seen stock markets plummet and then make huge gains in reverse as oil first went to virtually an all-time low before surging ahead 12% on one day !
In the words of the Kinks, “it’s a mixed up, muddled-up, shook-up world except for …..”. Well, except for what ? Where is the certainty in this chaotic stream of happenings ?
It’s in the centre of the goings on of what we know in the church as Holy Week and the events of Good Friday and then Easter.
The certainty contained in these events is that God loves us more than we can ever imagine. Jesus went through ridicule, torture and death to show us just what real love is. He was willing to lay down his life because of love.
But then, on Easter Day, the power of that love was shown when Jesus rose from the dead. No matter how hard the authorities at the time tried, they could not mask the fact of this miracle (a miracle recorded not only in the Bible, but in histories written at the time).
In times of uncertainty, it is good to know that, whatever may happen in our lives, the love of God is powerful enough to support us and to strengthen us.
We hope that you have a great Easter break and enjoy this special time of year.
Rev. Mike Smith
Flower Rota
No flowers in LENT
27 March and 3 April EASTER |
Flower Team |
Wedding: Saturday 19 March, 2.00 pm, David Baggaley and Sally Atkinson.
Lorna Reynolds
Cleaning Team
The next church cleaning session is at 2.30 pm on Monday 14 March. We are hoping that the PCC will shortly arrange for and fund additional cleaning assistance in the church.
Teresa Day
Lent Courses for 2016
As was the case in 2015, this programme of study evenings involving all Christian churches around Nailsworth will meet as follows:
Christchurch 7.30 pm on Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 March.
St George’s, 2.00 pm on Wednesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 March.
All will be most welcome.
Fascinating Rhythm Concert – Saturday 5 March
This concert performed by the Fascinating Rhythm Chorus with the Mendip Men Choir will take place at 7.30 pm at the Castle School, Thornbury BS35 1HT – in aid of Patchwork RDA (Riding for the Disabled) charity. Tickets can be obtained through Angela Wooldridge, Tel. 860 697.
Village Hall Programme
Film Night – Tuesday 8 March, the award winning Twelve Years a Slave, 7.30 for 8.00 pm, admission free – Pay Bar
Coffee morning – Tuesday 15 March, 10.30 to 11.30 am, join us for a sociable chat over coffee & cake £2.
The Village Hall Committee is currently looking for new members. We meet monthly for an hour over a glass of wine – so it is not exactly onerous ! We would particularly welcome newcomers to the community with fresh ideas to keep our very special facilities busy and relevant.
Please contact me on patonbagpath@btinternet.com if you are interested or would like to look around the hall.
Carol Paton
Grumbolds Ash Group
On Monday 7 March, we are taking Vida out for lunch at 12.30 pm at Egypt Mill in Nailsworth. We meet at 11.45 am at the Village Hall to share the drive.
On Monday 21 March we will visit the VUE cinema at Stroud to see a performance at Covent Garden of the opera Boris Godunov. Bryn Terfel the well known Welsh star is scheduled to be performing. Car sharing has been arranged with Angela and 4 tickets have been purchased.
Jutta Tubbs Tel. 860 194
Free-range eggs for sale
Mrs Pat Cooksley of 2 The Windmill normally has some free-range eggs for sale at £1 for six. Best call afternoons.
Book Club at 8.00 pm
Tuesday15 March, The Girl who fell from the Sky by Simon Mawer at Angela’s.
Wednesday 13 April, Do no Harm by Henry Marsh at Jane’s.
Tuesday 17 May, The Porcelain Thief by Huan Hsu at Sheila’s
Angela Wooldridge
Kingscote Parish Council
The Parish Council would like to thank Doug England for his many years of service to the Parish Council. Doug has decided to stand down from his position on the parish council this May, and will be greatly missed. We all wish him well in his ‘retirement’ from this role.
Anyone wishing to seek office should contact the clerk to the Parish Council, Anna. It would be especially welcome if a resident would step up to represent the Bagpath side of the Parish. Should there be interest from more than one person, there will be an election. All residents welcome to apply.
The date of the next meeting of the Parish Council is Tuesday 19 April at 8.00 pm in the Hunters Hall. Unapproved minutes of the last meeting are available on the community website.
Rescheduled First Aid course
A first aid course will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 11 April and/or Tuesday 12 April at 9.30 am. The date will depend on the numbers applying.
Planning Applications
15/04974/FUL Jandacott, Scrubbetts Lane, Bagpath, erection of two storey rear extension.
Solar Farm Proposal at Babdown Airfield
Elgin Energy and JBM Solutions Ltd are currently investigating the feasibility of developing a solar farm on the former Babdown Airfield. If you have any queries contact James Cook on 0113 232 8571.
Anna Davison, Tel. 860 244
Weekly Recycling – Green food boxes and wheelie bins
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays.
Fortnightly Recycling – Black boxes, White Bags and Blue bags
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 4 and 18 March.
Fortnightly Waste – Grey wheelie bins to landfill
All current collection points – from 7.30 am on Fridays 4 and 18 March.
Bus Timetable Enquiries – Ring traveline on 0871 200 2233.
Mobile Library
The next visit will be on Friday 18 March when the van will park in front of The Walled Garden from 10.00 am to 12 noon.
Any material which may be of interest for the next issue of the Forerunner should be sent by 20 March to H. Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Tel. 860 194.
Solar Farms on Agricultural Land
The possible arrival of a ‘solar farm’ on some of the land remaining at Babdown Airfield not yet occupied by industrial activity, is another unwelcome threat to our environment following the relief at the abandonment of the Chavenage Bio-digester plant. Successive governments having bungled the nuclear power option, the need for alternative low carbon emissions energy is becoming acute.
It is widely predicted that the UK will need all of its agricultural land to feed its growing population in the future, and the threat from global warming appears to be severe in some of the currently most fertile food production areas of the world. It is just as likely therefore that food production will become an increasing priority worldwide.
It seems unlikely that the ground at Babdown could be economically restored to agricultural use when the first set of panels expire in 25 years, due to the extensive infrastructure remaining, and unclear who would pay for it. The ground will be full of fixing supports for the panels, cables, and electrical converter plant linked to the electricity supply grid.
The Editor
Good and Bad Religion, by Peter Vardy
(Published by scm press in 2010)
This is a scholarly theological study from the Vice-Principal of Heythrop College, London University, which is a splendid contribution to clarifying the confusion and concerns which we are all experiencing in the rivalry between world faiths and the struggle with atheism and apathy. We have been given permission to serialise the 6 broad conclusions which he draws from the study in subsequent issues of the Forerunner. The Editor.
2.0 Religious imperatives that are not subject to rational scrutiny and interpretation are features of bad religion. Claiming the supposed command of God without any rational basis for determining whether such commands do stem from God can no longer be acceptable. Textual fundamentalism needs to be resisted – it leads too easily to closed-mindedness and denies any independent standard for evaluation of good and bad religion.
A refusal to acknowledge the discipline of hermeneutics (the intellectual process of interpretation) or the influence of the cultural context of any text opens the door to any group appealing to the supposed will of God as it interprets its own text free from any rational justification. Religious imperatives can then be imposed, which leads to authority being abused and certainty claimed where none is available.
The scm press can be contacted at: www.scm-canterburypress.co.uk
By Huub Oosterhuis 1933 ~
A Jesuit priest whose ministry was mainly to the student community
of Amsterdam. He played a major role in the renewal of the
Dutch liturgy as well as being a prolific writer and poet.
God, you are everywhere
Present invisible
Near to us speaking –
The silence awaits you
Mankind exists for you
Men see and know you.
Men made of flesh and bone
Men of light and of stone
Men of hard stone and blood
A flow unstaunchable
Mankind your people
Your city on earth.
Earth is all that we are
Dust is all that we make,
Breathe into us, open us,
Make us your earth
Your heaven new made
Your peace upon earth.
Parish Directory
Vicar: Reverend Mike Smith, 3 Vicarage Gardens, Nailsworth, GL6 0QS, Tel. 07840 260 182
Curate: Reverend Sue Sobczak, Horsley, Tel. 01453 833 526
Reader Sue White, Nailsworth, Tel: 01453 835 693
Churchwardens: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP. Tel: 860 194
Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Kingscote, GL8 8XY Tel: 861 683
Hon.Sec.PCC: Georgina Harford, Ashcroft House, Kingscote, GL8 8YF Tel: 01453 860 227
Hon.Treas.PCC: Jane Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote, GL8 8YB Tel. 01453 860 534
Members of PCC: The Churchwardens, The Hon. Secretary, The Hon. Treasurer, Elin Tattersall, Zoe Nichols, Chris Alford.
Flower and Clean Team: Teresa Day, Angela Wooldridge, Pauline McTear.
Nailsworth MU: Trissa Jones, Tel: 832 551
Editor of Forerunner: Harry Tubbs, 3 The Walled Garden, Kingscote, GL8 8YP Tel: 860 194
Gift Aid and Envelopes: Jane Nichols, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel. 860 534.
Church Flowers Rota: Lorna Reynolds, Tel. 860 231
Organist: Rosemary Sims, 15 Badger’s Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, GL6 0HE Tel: 832 446
Sidespersons: Harry Tubbs, Rod Tibbert, Elin Tattersall,
Godfrey Ainsworth, Jane Nichols.
Electoral Roll: Elin Tattersall, 3 Boxwood Close, Tel.01453 860 182
Mowing Team: Harry Tubbs, Sebastian Cooper, Rick Bond, Roger Lucy, Godfrey Ainsworth, Ken Davies, Brian McTear, John Moore, Tony Wooldridge.
Village Hall: Bookings: Pauline McTear, Kingscote, Tel. 861 311
Secretary: Carol Paton, Bagpath, Tel. 860 649
Parish Council Chairman: Graham Nichols, Asheldown, 3 Ashel Barn Cottages, Kingscote Tel: 01453 860 534
Parish Council Clerk: Anna Davison, Bagpath Court, GL8 8YG, Tel. 860 244
Village Agent: Aileen Bendall, Tel. 07810 630 156 or 01452 426 868
Printer of Forerunner: Godfrey Ainsworth, Kingscote House, Tel. 861 683
The Forerunner is published by the P.C.C. who are usually most willing to accept copy from village groups and individuals. However, please note that the opinions and views expressed by the contributors within the Forerunner are not necessarily those of the Church, P.C.C. or Editor.
This Sunday at 9.30 am in St John the Baptist Church in Kingscote there is a family event to celebrate Mothering Sunday. Children – bring your Mums to tell them how special they are. Mums – bring your children to tell them how special it is to be a Mum to them…Oh – and it doesn’t matter who old you are as mother or child!!
Rev. Mike Smith
Kingscote Parish Council is running a First Aid Course to be held in the Village Hall on either:
Monday 11th or Tuesday 12th April 2016
9.30 am – 12.30 pm
The course is aimed at those wanting to learn the basics or provide a refresher for those who are ‘out of date’. Depending on demand there may be a chance to top this course up to a recognised qualification ‘’FIRST AID AT WORK’’ by doing Part II at a later date.
COST: KPC Residents £11 (Subsidized by K.PC.)
Non Residents £21
Please contact: Anna Davison on 01453 860244 or adavisonphysio@aol.com. Depending on feedback, the most popular day will be chosen. Places will be limited and reservations must be made in advance.