Harford-Hyde Wedding – 21st May 2016

Apologies for the late notice; our wedding is at 2.30pm on Saturday 21st May.

There will be a rehearsal at 3.30 on the Friday – we will make sure to keep cars to a minimum.

On the day we will be leaving the church in a tractor and trailer at about 3.45; the tractor will parked by the church for 5 mins while we ‘load up’!  I hope this won’t cause any inconvenience.

Bagpath residents:

We are having the reception in a marquee at Ashcroft. The party will go on until…..

We apologise if this disturbs anyone.

Thank you so much


Sherry Tasting – Friday 20th May – 7pm

Sherry glasses + lots of tapasCome and find out all about sherry and taste six different sherries and a manzanilla, along with appropriate tapas……and – before you ask – one will be an Amontillado, but the others will be ones your maiden aunt never dreamt of! (Or, for pedants, of which your maiden aunt never dreamed).

Tickets are just £5 and are available from Carol Paton.

Friday 20th May
7pm in the Village Hall

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Party – 23rd April 2016

Queens Birthday invitation 23April2016

And a Right Royal Knees-Up it was, with the planting of a tree in the churchyard to commemorate the Queen’s 90th Birthday, tea and cakes fit for a Queen at the Village Hall, the surprise arrival of the queen of the village, Vida Sutton (the VIP guest) and a talent show by the very enthusiastic children (and a few adults, too).  It was an event the Queen would have been proud of, wonderfully organised by Seema Bowers and her able helpers on the Knees-Up Committee.

Police and Crime Commissioner Election – Thursday 5 May 2016

Dear Clerk

With the election just over a week away, I thought it would be useful to confirm details for you.

Postal votes for the election were sent out last week and we have received quite a few back already.

If anyone has a postal vote, they can post it to us in the pre-paid envelope or hand it in at a polling station in the District on 5 May.

For anyone wishing to know more about the candidates, details can be found on www.choosemypcc.org.uk or we can send a booklet on request.

Polling stations will be open from 7 am until 10 pm on the day.

The result should be known by late afternoon on Friday 6 May and will published be on our website.

I attach a copy of the Statement of Persons Nominated and Notice of Poll, along with the notice of Situation of Polling stations.

Both of these are for publication as widely as possible please.

Any queries, please get in touch with Katrina or I.

Kind regards



Sarah Dalby, AEA (Cert)

Electoral Services Manager

Direct Dial:  01285 623002

Situation of Polling Station Notice


Zoe and Nellie’s Journey to Badminton

zoeI and my horse Nellie have qualified for the Mitsubishi Cup at Badminton, to be held the day before the main Championships. If you would like to follow our journey, I have been chosen to ‘blog’ for E-eventing.

I would be so grateful if you could visit my professional Facebook page and click the links.

If you do not do Facebook you can see my blogs here:

My first blog
My second blog

Showing your support by ‘liking’ my Facebook page really helps with the small sponsorship offers I am beginning to get.

Zoe Davison

Kingscote Village Hall – Notice of AGM

The Village Hall Committee invites all inhabitants of the Parish of Newington Bagpath with Kingscote aged 18 or over to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held in Kingscote Village Hall at 7pm on Wednesday 18th May 2016 (immediately before the Parish Assembly).

1. To receive the Report of the Village Hall Committee
2. To receive the 2015 Accounts of the Village Hall Committee
3. To accept the resignations of the present Village Hall Committee
4. To elect the Village Hall Committee for the coming year
5. Any other business

All parishioners are invited to inspect, in advance of the AGM, the 2015 Accounts of the Village Hall Committee. These can be see on the village website www.kingscoteonline.co.uk, or please contact Viv Ainsworth for a hard copy.

We are always pleased to welcome new members to join the Village Hall Committee, and we are also grateful for offers to cook or to help in other ways at Village Hall events. For further information on what is involved, or to offer to stand for election, please contact the Secretary of the Village Hall Committee, Carol Paton, on 860649, or the Chairman, Ken Davies, on 861113.

The Village Hall Committee
23rd April 2016