Parish Council – Vacancy

The Electoral Services at CDC have not received any requests to hold an election to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Doug England.
The Parish Council may therefore co-opt to fill the vacancy.

Anna Davison – Clerk

Rural Broadband

E-mail sent on behalf of Councillor Lynden Stowe, Leader of Cotswold District Council:

Dear Clerk/Chairman

The need for faster and more reliable broadband across the whole of the Cotswolds was the main topic discussed at the town/parish liaison meetings late last year.

It is acknowledged that we live in an age where people need reliable faster broadband access – residents want to enjoy the freedom of accessing a wide range of public and private sector online services at times to suit their needs and from the comfort of their homes; school children are being asked to use the internet for homework assignments and to broaden their knowledge and IT skills; and businesses can compete more successfully and perhaps even expand when they are supported by cutting edge digital technology.

That said, upgrading to faster broadband is not easy in rural areas like the Cotswolds – our District covers over 450 square miles and this means that, despite technological advances in some areas, we are still hampered by ‘dead zones’ and sluggish speeds in far too many locations.

With this in mind, as part of our budget deliberations for 2016/17, I proposed that the District Council should make available £500,000 from capital reserves to expedite the roll-out of broadband across the District.  The proposal was well-received, especially as it was based on a commitment from the County Council to match-fund our contribution, thereby providing a sum of £1m to help push the coverage already achieved/planned through the Fastershire Broadband Project, much wider and far quicker.

CDC has not only pledged this additional funding, but has also established a cross-party Broadband Working Group to assist the roll-out and drive forward the project to enable it to reach a successful conclusion as soon as possible.

To assist the Working Group in its task, and in order to help establish a priority work schedule, we would like to hear from you – please tell us about any specific problems or needs in your local areas, difficulties being experienced, and any initiatives or attempts to secure solutions (either in the past or on-going). 

You may find it helpful to first check on the intended timing of any works already scheduled in your area – you can use the following link to access the Fastershire website:-

Please send your feedback to Nigel Adams ( ) as soon as possible; and, ideally, by 1stJuly 2016.  We look forward to receiving your comments; and I thank you in advance for your contribution to helping CDC secure much needed improvements for our communities.

Kind regards

Councillor Lynden Stowe
Leader of Cotswold District Council


BT Cabling Problems

Several people seem to have had problems with BT in the last week, affecting both broadband and land lines.

I have spoken to BT who advise the cabling problem causing the issue will be repaired by 27th May, not 19th May as originally advised.


Notice of Referendum on the UK’s Membership of the European Union

Please find attached the Notice of Referendum for the South West & Gibraltar Region, of which we are part.

The attached notice includes the important deadlines for both registration and applications for postal and proxy voting.

Poll cards will be issued to Royal Mail in the next couple of days, so should start arriving with you towards the end of this week.

If anyone has not received their card by the end of next week (27 May), they should contact us to check they are registered.

Kind regards


Sarah Dalby, AEA (Cert)
Electoral Services Manager

Notice Of Referendum- South West & Gibraltar


Kingscote Parish Council – Notice of Vacancy

in the office of Councillor
Kingscote Parish Council

NOTICE is given that, due to the resignation of Doug England, a vacancy has arisen for a Councillor for the Parish Council.

The vacancy will be filled by election if a request from 10 local government electors for the Parish is received within 14 days of the date of this notice. The request must be received by 26 May 2016.

Requests should include each electors’ name, address and signature and should be sent to the Returning Officer at the address below.

If 10 signatures are not received by the date given, the Parish Council may fill the vacancy by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 29 July 2016.

Dated 6 May 2016

Nigel Adams
Returning Officer
Council Offices
Trinity Road

Kingscote 06052016


Broadband Petition

You may be interested in signing this petition asking for better broadband in rural communities:

Parish Council AGM & Annual Parish Assembly


The Parish Council AGM and Parish Assembly take place on Wednesday 18th May 2016 in the Village Hall, Kingscote as follows:

Annual Parish Assembly – 7.45pm
Parish Council AGM – 9.00pm (approx.)

Please find below notes of the previous Parish Council AGM and Annual Parish Assembly, together with the agenda for the meetings on Wednesday.

AG ASS 16.05.18
AG AGM 16.05.18
MINS AGM 15.05.19

MINS ASS 15.05.19

Anna Davison
Clerk to the Parish Council