Lost Chicken

Having been entrusted with looking after my near neighbour’s  6 chicken for a few days….one escaped yesterday evening.

It is light brown in colour and answers to the name of Buff Orpington.

I would be grateful for news of any sitings, preferably before the neighbour returns……


Rick Bond

07970 090666

Drone Usage in Kingscote

Following a number of complaints from villagers about a drone flying fairly low and close to people and property in the village, please see the information below:

Small unmanned aircraft (irrespective of their mass) that are being used for surveillance purposes are subject to tighter restrictions with regard to the minimum distances that you can fly near people or properties that are not under your control. If you wish to fly within these minima, permission is required from the CAA before operations are commenced.

CAA permission is also required for all flights that are being conducted for aerial work (i.e. in very simple terms, you are getting paid for doing it).

The ‘remote pilot’ has the responsibility for satisfying him/herself that the flight can be conducted safely.

The aircraft must not be flown:

  • over or within 150 metres of any congested area
  • over or within 150 metres of an organised open-air assembly of more than 1,000 persons;
  • within 50 metres of any vessel, vehicle or structure which is not under the control of the person in charge of the aircraft
  • within 50 metres of any person except during take-off or landing, the aircraft must not be flown within 30 metres of any person except for the person in charge of the aircraft.

Further details may be found here: http://www.caa.co.uk/unmannedaircraft/

Lost Burmese Cat – Bagpath

Our cat Samson (brown Burmese one) has been missing now for 24 hours. We were away last night but were told he didn’t come back at all and we haven’t seen him this morning.
I’d be really grateful if you could check closed sheds and garages if you get a chance today. He’s a nosy fellow and can get in places he shouldn’t.

Sarah & Alex Grieg

Healthwatch Survey

Dear parish and town councils

I want to make you aware of a survey we are running about the county’s local Healthwatch which we commission www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-care-survey – open until 9th October.

I would be grateful if you could share this opportunity to give feedback with everyone you know.

If you would like to find out more please contact Althia Lyn althia.lyn@gloucestershire.gov.uk

Best regards


Victoria Powell

Senior Communications Officer

Communications Team

Gloucestershire County Council

Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2TG




Join now at www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/peoplespanel


Funding Circle

Did you know local government is lending millions to UK businesses?

With local councils, the UK Government* and over 50,000 investors and organisations lending through Funding Circle, we are committed to help your business find the funding you need.

Check your eligibility

Whether you’re looking to grow your business, take on new staff or manage cashflow, Funding Circle may be able to help.

You can get a loan from £5,000 – £1 million (£3 million for property finance) and up to £250,000 unsecured. Terms range from 6 months to 5 years and you can repay early at any time, with no early repayment fees and you only pay interest for the time you borrow.

Link to Funding Circle web page

Fireworks at Kingscote Barn – 2nd September

Dear All,


PRIVATE Fireworks at The Kingscote Barn on FRIDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER 2016 at 9.00PM for approximately 10 mins and will be run by Distant Thunder Fireworks .


Kindest Regards,



Claire Shea

Kingscote Barn, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YE

01453 861161

Mobile Post Office

Please find attached details of the public consultation about a mobile post office van in Kingscote, for information.  Up to now details have been in commercial confidence so this has missed the deadline to be included within Forerunner.

Posters have been put up on the village noticeboards.

Works are going ahead for planning and to facilitate the van in the car park at the village hall, so there is no reason to suppose it won’t happen, as long as there are no objections.

Kind regards

Pauline McTear

PO Consultation 2016-08-23

Fireworks Tonight

Please note fireworks being set off tonight at Matara at 9.30pm, just as courtesy to our neighbors.

Kind regards


Wedding & Event Coordinator
01453 861050

Campaign to fix Britain’s Internet

By visiting www.fixbritainsinternet.co.uk and providing your e-mail address and postcode an automatic email will be sent to your local MP and to Sharon White, the CEO of Ofcom lobbying for superfast optical fibre broadband – only 50% of rural communities get speeds of more than 10Mbit/s.  If we can reach 100,000 signatories we can also ask for a debate in Parliament.

Nearly every broadband provider in Britain depends on the national network, Openreach. Through taxpayer money and part of your bill, BT is paid billions to maintain the network. But it isn’t delivering. Millions of homes and businesses don’t have the fast, reliable internet they need. Everyone deserves better broadband.  This summer, for the first time, you have the power to make a difference. Ofcom, the industry regulator, has launched a public consultation on what changes are needed and they want to know what you think.  If you think your family or business deserves better internet, email Ofcom and have your say. This is a once in a decade chance to make your voice heard.

Writing to Ofcom could help give Britain the internet that we deserve. BT is paid to maintain the national network, but even the regulator says it’s not good enough.  BT is spending billions buying the rights for televised football, rather than investing this money in Britain’s broadband infrastructure.  Through taxpayer money and part of your bill, BT is paid billions to maintain the network. But in rural areas, nearly half of premises can’t get speeds above 10Mbit/s.  BT has kept Openreach reliant on copper rather than investing in state of the art pure fibre like other countries. Copper is up to 100 times slower and far less reliable. Writing to Ofcom could help give Britain the internet that we deserve. BT is paid to maintain the national network, but even the regulator says it’s not good enough.

Fix Britain’s Internet is a campaign that aims to fight for the best possible internet for Britain’s communities. The campaign was started by an industry coalition comprising Sky, TalkTalk, Vodafone and the Federation of Communication Services – and we’re growing every day.

We represent millions of consumers and businesses who rely on Openreach, but are let down every day, struggling to get the internet speeds they need. Together, we’re asking Ofcom to be brave and make bold changes to create an Openreach that delivers the broadband Britain deserves.