Parish Council News Updates

A Message From the Parish Council

Parishioners may be aware that the parish council has a new website which can be accessed at www,

This website has a facility whereby news updates can be sent to anyone who has subscribed to receive updates.

At the parish council meeting on 26th September, it was decided that all future news updates from the council will be sent through the parish council website messaging service, rather than through the Kingscote-Online service. 

Please take this opportunity to sign-up for any parish council news updates.

Simon Hale

Clerk to Kingscote Parish Council

Community Engagement Event at The Matara Centre

Community Engagement Event at the Matara Centre

A community engagement event will be held in the grounds of the Matara Centre on Sunday 1st October from 11.00am to find out more about Geoffrey Higgins’ vision for the area and how we can all help to make this a facility enjoyed by our local community into the future.

The presentation and discussion will be followed by a ‘bring and share’ picnic lunch and a walk around the area. Everyone with an interest in learning more about the Matara grounds is invited to come along and bring food to share.

Full details of the event can be found here.

Public Consultation – Traffic Management Update

A Message From the Parish Council

You will have recently received an email invitation to take part in a survey regarding proposals to address vehicle speed and parking problems in Kingscote village.

Unfortunately our chosen survey provider for this survey was somewhat misleading about what was included in their free plan which means we can only view 10 responses for free. We already have 16 and cannot view the most recent 6 responses. 

We have decided to discontinue the survey by this means and to ask everyone to reply by email. So, apologies to those who replied through the survey, but we now ask you to resend your responses by email to the clerk at

Details of the proposals are still on the public consultation page of the parish council website along with a pdf map download. The opportunity to comment  will remain until 22nd September and the findings will be considered at the next parish council meeting on 26th September.

The questions are as follows;

Feedback on Speeding and Parking Proposals

Question 1. What is your overall opinion on the proposal to paint SLOW signs on the road near the two sharp corners?

If you disagree or strongly disagree, please say why.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Question 2. Do you think the SLOW signs are likely to encourage drivers to reduce their speed on the corners?



Not Sure

Question 3. What is your opinion on the proposal to have white lines to discourage parking at the two locations? If you disagree or strongly disagree, please say why.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Other (please specify)

Question 4. Do you think the white lines are likely to discourage drivers from parking at these locations?



Not Sure

Question 5. If you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the speeding and parking proposals, please share them with us.

Email your answers to the Clerk at

Public Consultation – Traffic Management

Proposals for reducing speed and parking problems in Kingscote village

Residents periodically report speeding and parking problems in the village, particularly near the tight bends. The parish council has had some very informative discussions with Gill Portlock (deputy GCC Highways Manager for our area) about possible ways to alleviate these problems, and we would now like your views on two proposals:

  1. To alleviate speeding around corners we are proposing to have SLOW signs painted on the road at the problematic locations.
  2. To discourage problematic parking near the corners we are proposing to have white lines painted on the road (H lines) – these would be advisory not mandatory.

Our parish clerk, Simon Hale, has produced a map of the proposed locations of three SLOW signs and two white H-Lines (see pdf attachment below). If it is decided to go ahead, we believe that GCC Highways would cover the cost of both options and they could be implemented fairly quickly.

The map displaying the traffic management proposals is available here.

Before making a decision, the parish council would like to hear your views on each proposal. Please would you complete the short survey available via this link – please click here. [Updated, please see later post and respond to the Parish Clerk by email]

The survey will remain open until 22 September and we expect to make a decision at our next meeting on 26 September.

If you would prefer to send comments by email please send them to our parish clerk at

We are also considering installing some signs saying “20 is plenty”. We are investigating the costs and criteria for this and will report back separately about that.