Voneus Superfast Broadband Installation

Anyone who is interested in having a Voneus superfast broadband connection should book an appointment via this link please:  https://voneus.doodle.com/poll/x2xn4u3wag7apgvd.

Appointments are available on Wednesday 26th and Friday 28th April.

Alan Seldon
Broadband Customer Operations Director
+44 (0)20 3026 4103   +44 (0)788 418 7446
Voneus Limited | Southgate Office Village
1st Floor – Block B | 284A Chase Road | London N14 6HF
@voneusbroadband   www.voneus.com



Easter Treasure Hunt – Easter Monday

An Easter Treasure Hunt takes place on Bank Holiday Monday in Kingscote.

Where: Meet at the Village Hall
When: Easter Monday, 17th April – 2pm to 4pm
Who: For adults and children

The adult clues are for places and dates around Kingscote and there are picture clues for the children to find. There will be Easter Egg prizes and we are asking people to bring food to share for tea afterwards.

Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

Kingscote Singers – Tuesday 2nd May

We are an informal singing group getting together in each other’s houses, approximately once a fortnight.
Next meeting is at Sheena’s (19 Kingscote) on Tuesday 2nd May at 7pm, we aim to sing for 1-2 hours, when we are looking at:
  • ‘Amazing Grace’ ( check Il Divo’s version on you-tube)
  • Abba’s ‘Knowing me knowing you’
  • Neil Diamond’s ‘Sweet Caroline’
  • ‘All through the night’ a Welsh hymn/lullaby.

We hope to see you there.

Angela Wooldridge

County Council Election Nominations

Dear Clerk

The nominations for the County Council election have now been published.

I attach a copy of the Statement of Persons nominated for your area and would ask you to publish it in the area please.

Full details of all the candidates in the Cotswold District are on our website at http://www.cotswold.gov.uk/about-the-council/elections/current-future-elections/

Details of all candidates in the County can be found from the link on the Gloucestershire County Council’s home pagehttp://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/

The next notice will be the Notice of Poll which will be issued to you in the week after Easter.

Thank you.


Sarah Dalby, AEA (Cert)

Electoral Services Manager

Tel:  01285 623229
Web: www.cotswold.gov.uk
Twitter:  @CDCElections
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CotswoldDCElections
Visit: www.gov.uk/yourvotematters for information on how to register and vote

Mail Attachment.jpeg

Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and received by West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Acts. If you have received this e-mail in error please inform the sender and delete it.

Statement of Persons Nominated – Tetbury

Voneus Update

Work is continuing on setting up the infrastructure to be able to provide the service. Groundworks on the network equipment at the Hunters Hall will begin early this week. Agreement to install at the initial point of service in Amberley has been agreed and all the necessary permissions now obtained. OpenReach have insisted on a new survey as the delivery point has changed slightly. After discussion / escalation they have not insisted on a new order which would put us back considerably. We have escalated our order to the “Directors Resolution Office” which is as high as possible. We will not know a date of delivery of the service until approximately 2 weeks before and even then that is subject to change. Please be assured we are doing everything possible to bring this about as quickly as possible.

On a more positive note we have now booked 3 full engineering days for 26th, 27th and 28th April where will have a team of engineers to install all the remaining network backbone and customer premises equipment in readiness for the service to be available.

To register your interest if you have not already done so, please send an email to sales@voneus.com quoting reference KCT in the subject line, your full address including postcode and a contactable telephone number within the email. For those who have already registered an interest you should receive an invitation to make an installation appointment via email by the end of next week. Please note once you have booked your appointment the system does not provide a confirmation so you can be confident that unless you receive an error message you are booked in.

We do understand the frustration at the time it is taking for the fibre connection to be provided and we will continue to do everything possible, at the highest level, to ensure its progress.

Kind regards

Alan Seldon

Alan Seldon
Broadband Customer Operations Director
Telephone Icon+44 (0)20 3026 4103 Telephone Icon+44 (0)788 418 7446
Voneus Limited | Southgate Office Village
1st Floor – Block B | 284A Chase Road | London N14 6HF
Twitter Icon@voneusbroadband www.voneus.com
Helpdesk Telephone Icon+44 (0)800 007 3344 | Sales Telephone Icon+44 (0)800 007 3377

Proud to be a Connecting Devon and Somerset broadband voucher scheme approved supplier

Action Counters Terrorism

Following the tragic incident in Westminster this week, please see the attached posters and display them on your notice boards for the information of the public and further disseminate the posters and leaflet through your networks.



Tony Dix

Shared Community Safety Officer

CDC Email:-tony.dix@cotswold.gov.uk

CDC Restricted Email:- dixt.restricted@cotswold.gcsx.gov.uk

FINAL MPS168931 NCTPQ ATH A4 Poster v3
FINAL MPS168931 NCTPQ Extremism A4 Poster v2


Kingscote Singing Group – Date Change to 10th April

Please note due to an unexpected issue, Sheena has had to change the date of the singing group to 10th April.

If you’d like to be part of a very informal group who get together every now and then for a bit of a sing-song, we would love to see you!

The first meeting will be on Monday 10th April, 7pm-9pm, at Sheena Yerburgh’s house, 19 Kingscote.

Please contact Sheena if you think you’d like to join us.

Everyone very welcome!