Poppy Appeal

After decades of dedicated service, Mrs June Hill is retiring from carrying out the house to house collection in Leighterton for the annual Poppy Appeal.  If anyone could take over collecting in Leighterton, or knows of anyone whom I could ask, please do let me know (tel. 01453 861583 or Sheila Hill).  The dates for this year’s collection are 28 October to 11 November.
Also, if anyone might like to take over from me as Poppy Appeal Organiser for Kingscote District (i.e. Kingscote, Bagpath, Lasborough, Leighterton and Calcot), I’d be happy to tell you what’s involved.  We collect around £800 a year, so it’s well worthwhile.

Steel Band Taster Session – 27th July

Steel Band Taster Session


Love the sound of steel pan? Ever thought you’d like to play?

Now is your chance!

Thursday 27th July

6-8pm in Kingscote Village Hall

Free taster session for adults and children led by experienced pan teacher. DBS checked.

 Drop in at any time between 6 and 8pm.

For more information email Gill on g.s.holmes@sky.com or Andy on 01453 860970


Phoebe Hutchings (20) available until 24th July to 8th September for babysitting.
Lives in Kingscote.
Email: phoebe.hutchings@gmail.com for further information.