Campervan Storage Needed

I’m looking for somewhere to store my VW camper van off road over the winter (under cover would be brilliant but not essential) and am happy to negotiate a sensible fee for doing so. Any offers or ideas grateful received.
Mobile: +44 (0)7966 840669

Private Fireworks at Matara – 11 Nov & 3 Dec

Dear Friends & Neighbours

Just a quick note to inform you of two firework displays taking place at The Matara Centre:

On Saturday 11th November 2017. The display is due to happen @ approx 9:50pm. The firing is just for a few short minutes.


On Sunday 3rd December 2017. The display is due to happen @ approx 9:00pm. The firing is just for a few short minutes.

Kind regards

01453 861050

Hallowe’en Trick or Treating – 31st Oct

If you’re happy to have trick or treating visitors on Tuesday 31st October please light a pumpkin or leave another Hallowe’en themed decoration by your door.

If you’re planning to Trick or Treat, please don’t visit later than about 8.30pm as it’s a working/school day on Wednesday for most people…

Church Harvest Festival – Sunday 15 October

Come to the Church Harvest Festival – Sunday 15 October 9.30 am

All will be most welcome at the Family Service on Sunday celebrating this year’s harvest.  Although most of us only get close to the harvest on our walks or through the car windows, we are a farming community.  As Brexit bites this will become an ever more important activity, and we thank our farmers for their management and husbandry of the land.

The collection on Sunday will be donated to the Stroud Food Banks service, and produce donated will be passed on to the Beresford Trust which supports women in need.

We will serve mid-morning refreshments for those who are able to stay after the service.

The Parochial Church Council

Kingscote Mobile Library – Changes

We have recently carried out the planned annual assessment of the Mobile Library timetables and will be implementing some changes. These will ensure that we can serve as many customers as possible.


The mobile library will continue to stop at Kingscote on a Friday, but from Friday 24th November the time will change to between 11.00am and 12.00pm.


Dates until the end of March 2018 are as follows:


November 24th

December 22nd

January 19th

February 16th

March 16th


We have attached a poster showing these dates.


Many thanks


Rebecca Dazeley
Countywide Operations Manager

Libraries & Information

Gloucestershire County Council
Quayside House, Shire Hall
Gloucester, GL1 2HY
Telephone:  01452 425038  Fax: 01452 425042


Libraries homepage:


Recycle Week – 25 Sept to 1 Oct

Look good and feel good – and help celebrate Recycle Week 2017

Cotswold District Council is joining forces with Gloucestershire’s Joint Waste Team and Recycle Now, the national campaign behind Recycle Week (25 September – 1 October), to inspire us all to ‘look good and feel good’ by recycling more, particularly when it comes to items from the bathroom and bedroom.

With new research finding that nearly half (49%) of the UK population admit to not always recycling their aerosols – including deodorants, shaving foam and hairspray – this year’s campaign will focus on showing what ‘goes around’ really can ‘come around’ when items are collected for recycling.

Aerosols can be recycled again and again without any loss of quality. They may be made into parts for mobile phones, dishwashers or even turn up as another aerosol can. That’s not all; research from Recycle Now has calculated that if every household in Gloucestershire recycled just one more aerosol, enough energy would be saved to power a typical primary school for over 8 months.

Cllr Sue Coakley, CDC Cabinet Member for Environment, and Chair of Gloucestershire’s Joint Waste Committee, says:

‘We are delighted to be supporting this year’s Recycle Week and it’s not just aerosols which are being forgotten about. Items such as glass bottles for perfume and aftershave, plastic bottles for shampoo, hair conditioner and shower gel, as well as cardboard toilet roll inners and toothpaste boxes are items which often get overlooked when it comes to recycling in the home.’

‘All of these items can be recycled to create new products so we’re asking everyone to rethink their normal morning and bed-time routines to make sure they recycle their bathroom packaging. Recycling just a few more items can make a big difference – and the bathroom is a good place to start.’

‘While almost 90% of packaging is recycled in our kitchens, just over half (52%) of items are recycled from the bathroom. However, a few simple steps, such as keeping a separate bin or bag in the bathroom for recyclables means this figure could be easily increased,’ she added.

Recycled items can be made into new products in a matter of days or weeks. Plastic bottles – such as those used for mouthwash, shampoo and liquid soap – can be turned into football shirts or fleece jumpers while card from toothpaste and tissue boxes can be made into new cardboard packaging for the food sector. And it’s not only toiletry packaging that can get forgotten when it comes to our bathroom recycling habits. Cleaning product bottles including empty bleach bottles, toilet cleaners and trigger spray surface cleaners (with trigger removed) can also get ignored but can all go on to be recycled into something new.

During Recycle Week the public are being reminded that all waste and recycling local authorities in Gloucestershire accept empty aerosols, glass bottles, plastic bottles and cardboard as part of the kerbside service offered to households so recycling these items couldn’t be easier. Residents can find out more about recycling in Gloucestershire by visiting or by contacting their local council.

Find out more about Recycle Week at



The Joint Waste Partnership provides waste and recycling services on behalf of Cotswold District Council, Cheltenham Borough Council, Forest of Dean District Council, Tewkesbury Borough Council and Gloucestershire County Council.

Bob McNally
Press and Media Liaison Officer,
Cotswold District Council
Tel: 01285 623120
Twitter: @CotswoldDC @CDCBizmatters