Review of Local Polling Stations

Cotswold District Council has launched a formal consultation on polling districts and places throughout the District.The Acting Returning Officer has put forward a suggestion that Kingscote and Beverston could share a polling station.

For more details and the opportunity to comment to the District Council on this suggestion, follow this link:

The consultation period ends on Friday 6 December. Any proposed changes will come into effect at the Police and Crime Commissioner Election on 7 May 2020.

Travels of a Rural Postie – Friday 15th November

Our former postman, Martin Saunders, will be giving an illustrated talk about his travels and, in particular, his interest in the flora and fauna of the far flung places he’s visited. Join him for what promises to be a very interesting talk:

When: Friday 15th November
Where: Village Hall
When: 7.30pm-9.30pm
Tickets: £5 each, to include a light supper (please book in advance) from Pauline or call 01453 861311.
Pay bar

Look forward to seeing you there.

Village Hall Committee