Community Litter Picking + Afternoon Tea – Sun 23rd Feb

The Parish Council is planning a community litter-picking on the minor roads in the parish on Sunday afternoon 23 February 2020. This will be followed by tea and cakes in the village hall organised by the Village Hall Committee.

The plan is to meet at 1400h in the village hall for a briefing and to collect gloves, high visibility vests, etc before setting off in small groups to cover as many of the minor roads as possible in the parish. Tea and cakes will be waiting for the teams when they return.

If you would be willing to volunteer for this, please contact Tony Wooldridge on 0145 860697 or email  The more volunteers we have, the quicker we will be back at the village hall for tea!

Everyone is welcome to join us for the tea and cakes, but anyone involved with the litter-picking will not be asked to pay. If you are not able to help with litter collection but could help with the teas, please contact Pauline McTear at or 01453 861311.

Poppy Appeal 2019

I am pleased to report that we collected £1,175.78 for the Poppy Appeal this year in our district of Kingscote, Hazelcote, Bagpath and Leighterton. 

Many thanks to the stalwart band of house to house collectors, to Calcot Manor and Spa, the Hunters Hall and the Royal Oak in Leighterton, and of course to everyone who contributed. 

As this was my first year of helping the Royal British Legion with their poppy collection I would like to add a personal thanks to everyone who so kindly helped me. 

Annabella Lucy


Following the Defibrillator Training yesterday, supported by NHS South West Ambulance Service and Fire Service, it was made clear that, in order to find houses in rural communities easily, it would be beneficial for every house owner to access the What3Words website and/or app on their phones in order to find the 3 words which identify the front door of their home.

In the past, the Emergency Services have had trouble locating rural homes and this app (which divides the globe into 3m squares, each identified by a unique three word code) means services can attend more promptly and potentially save lives.

Find the code for your location by accessing the website or by downloading the app on either iphone or android and following the prompts.

  • access the website or app
  • find your code
  • display it clearly by your landline or store it on your mobile phone

If any member of the community does not have access to a smartphone or pc, they should ask a friend or neighbour to find this information for them, and then display it by their phone for future use if needed.


Dog Mess in Kingscote

Would neighbours kindly give some thought as to where they allow their dogs to mess?

Please use the dog mess bins and please do not allow your dog to use the grass outside people’s houses which is often owned and walked on by the nearby house’s owners.

Please always pick up after your dog and dispose of mess in the bins. Dog mess bins can be found:

  • by the church
  • by Kingscote woods

Thank you.

Travels of a Rural Postie – Friday 15th November


Our former postman, Martin Saunders, will be giving an illustrated talk on Friday 15th November about his travels and, in particular, his interest in the flora and fauna of the far flung places he’s visited. Join him for what promises to be a very interesting talk:

When: Friday 15th November
Where: Village Hall
When: 7.30pm-9.30pm
Tickets: £5 each, to include a light supper (please book in advance) from Pauline or call 01453 861311.
Pay bar

Look forward to seeing you there.

Village Hall Committee