Sewing Scrubs for the NHS

Need something to do? Some of you will have seen the recent coverage where volunteers are offering to sew scrubs for the NHS, which are in severe shortage nationwide. A Stroud group has been set up for this; if you’re interested in making scrubs, you need to first complete the attached form and they will then be in touch once they can allocate orders and send materials.

Complete the Scrubs form here.

If you aren’t able to make or would prefer to donate, you can donate towards materials here.


Information for Helping in the Current Environment

Helping others

The government have said there are only five reasons why people should leave their homes:

to shop for necessities
for medical reasons i.e. to go to a hospital
to exercise once a day
to travel to work if absolutely necessary
to care for a vulnerable person 

You may want to help a neighbour, a family member or a friend who is currently in isolation.

You may want to help in your local community, and if you sign up with Gloucestershire County Council’s Community Help Hub, you can tick specific things that you can assist with, such as walking someone’s dog for them, putting their bins out, picking up food or medicine for them or preparing meals for the freezer – 

You can only provide support to people who are in isolation if you fulfil ALL of the conditions below:

1.    You are well and have no symptoms like a cough or high temperature and neither does anyone in your household;
2.    You are under 70;
3.    You are not pregnant;
4.    You do not have any long-term health conditions that make you vulnerable to coronavirus.

How to help safely:
1.    You should not go inside the homes of anyone you do not live with, especially vulnerable people or people who believe they may be infected and are self-isolating. 
2.    If you are picking essential items up for people, such as prescriptions or groceries, try to limit the amount of time you spend outside of your home by collecting your essential items during the same trip.
3.    You should stay 2m or six feet away from anyone you do not live with at all times. Do not share car journeys with people you do not live with.
4.    If you have offered to help other people, be mindful of situations where you may feel unsafe, for instance helping late at night.

You can find a lot more information on this and other related Covid-19 issues by following the link below.

This is the end of the message – Best Wishes and Stay Safe
Message Sent By
Simon Bailey (Police, Neighbourhood Watch Officer, Glouce)

An Update from Chief Constable Rod Hansen

Chief Constable Rod Hansen said: “Firstly I want to thank everyone for their continued support through these unprecedented times which we are all facing together.

“The new measures announced by the Prime Minister yesterday to increase social distancing and stay at home have been put in place to save lives and protect the NHS. They are there to protect you and I’d urge you all to please comply with them.

“We’re working around the clock to understand what the legislation will mean, and we’ll share this with you in due course. In the meantime, there will be more visible policing across the county in support of the Prime Minister’s directive, ready to respond when needed, to help keep Gloucestershire safe and, I hope, to provide reassurance.

“Please help us find our way through this – given the extraordinary community spirit we’ve already seen throughout this fast moving situation, I hope we have your cooperation.

“As a police service, we have a duty to protect life and support the Government and our partners in health agencies in the fight against this pandemic.

“The message I have given to my staff is that we will focus on policing by consent, working with people. Enforcement should be a last resort as we hope people will listen and cooperate. I have however let all my staff know that they have my full backing when they do exercise legal authority if the circumstances require and justify it. 

“Please do follow the advice, stay at home and help us to help the national effort. I am grateful for your patience and continued support during these times of great uncertainty.

“Please be reassured that we are still here if you need us for an emergency, however overnight we had numerous calls to our Force Control Room asking what these new measures mean.

“I must stress that it is vital our emergency 999 and non-emergency 101 phone lines are kept free to deal with crime related issues.

“When we have the answers, we will share these with you through our numerous channels including social media, on our website and through Your Community Alerts ( – a free messaging service where you can sign up to receive emails.

“If you are a victim of crime please continue to report it online at, using 101, or in an emergency, 999 – and we will respond as normal.

“You can also keep up to date with information and advice on and locally from our partners at Gloucestershire County Council where a community help hub has been set up for those who need support or can offer help

“Once again thank you for your continued support and please help us, cooperate with us and lets all do everything we can to save lives and protect the NHS.”

Message Sent By
Communications Team WWDW (Police, Communications Team, Gloucestershire)

Matara – Garden Open Day – Rescheduled to Sunday 28th June

Matara’s Garden Open Day takes place as follows:

Sunday 28th June from 11am to 3pm

The admission costs as well as tea and cake sales (after costs) will go towards the charities that are being supported on that particular day.

This year, we will be supporting both Charlie’s Cancer Support and our local Kingscote Church.

Everyone is very welcome.


Holly Roberts
Wedding & Event Coordinator
01453 861050

Our Churches

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Following the government instructions, our benefice churches will be kept locked during the day until further notice.  

I know that some of you have been coming to church to pray, but for now we will need to pray from our homes.   I will be praying each day at 9am and 6pm at home and invite you to either join me at that time from wherever you are, or find a pattern/time of prayer that fits with your day.

Information about live streaming of prayers can be found here.

With all my prayers,

The Rev’d Caroline Bland
The Benefice of Nailsworth with Shortwood, Horsley, and Newington Bagpath with Kingscote. 
Tel: 01453 836536

Coronavirus Symptoms

This information has been shared by a contact and could be important:

“I started getting symptoms of the Coronavirus on Monday afternoon, after unfortunately, having been shopping in Waitrose in the morning before any symptoms appeared.

I had terrible aching all over my body and a sudden onset of a temperature which completely floored me. The thing that I noticed after two days of illness was I realised I had lost 100% of my sense of taste and smell.

I have since found out that my mother and step-father, who became ill a couple of days before me, also have lost all their sense of taste and smell as well.

It is now emerging that this is a very common symptom in Coronavirus sufferers.

This is EXTREMELY important!





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Newspaper Delivery

Need a newspaper delivery? J&C News will deliver from Mondays to Saturdays in Kingscote. They only operate through an answerphone on 01666 502398 which they check once a day at 7.30 am, so please be patient.

Facebook Group – Kingscote & Bagpath

We have started a private Facebook Group for Kingscote & Bagpath to support the community through Coronavirus/Covid-19 and the isolation many people may face.

If you have a Facebook account, click here and ask to join.

If you don’t yet have a Facebook account but would like one, register here and then search for

If you don’t want to join the group, email with any requests.
