Christmas Day Service in Kingscote

The Christmas Day Service at Kingscote Church starts at 9.30am. It would be helpful if you could let us know in advance if you plan to attend as this will enable us to arrange seating in a safe, socially distanced manner. 

Please let Elin Tattersall know by email by noon on Christmas Eve or phone 01453 860182.

Please provide your name, contact details and the number of people attending from your household.

Thank you and best wishes at Christmas time, from members of the Parochial Church Council.

Cancellation of carols

It has been decided that, as the rain has not let up all day, we will unfortunately have to cancel this evening’s carol playing in Kingscote and Bapgpath, by members of Nailsworth Silver Band.  Apologies for the late notice.
In the next day or so we will send you the link to the carol service at Nailsworth church last night, at which the Silver Band played. 

Carols in Kingscote & Bagpath

We may not be able to have a carol service in our parish church this year but members of Nailsworth Silver Band are kindly coming to Kingscote and to Bagpath to play some carols for us on Monday 21st December. 

They will be playing outside the church lychgate in Kingscote at 7pm, then outside Ashcroft House at 7.30pm. 

Collection boxes will be available at each venue, with donations going to the charity Christian Aid

We hope you will be able to join in and ask that you abide by social distancing rules and stay in household groups.

Elin Tattersall

New Mailing List

From today, 1st December, we will no longer be sending notifications from the website. Instead, if you wish to continue to receive notifications, you will need to sign up to the Village Mailing List here.

All contacts on the old mailing list will be deleted today.

You can also find the Village Mailing List by scrolling down the home page and clicking on the Join Our Mailing List button:


Kingscote Community Food Bank Collection

Dear Kingscote Community!

It is safe to say we have all experienced one of the most difficult years in living memory. Whether it has been protecting our own health, impact to our jobs, or attempting to home school for the first time, 2020 has brought many unknown challenges for everyone.

I for one have found the lockdown restrictions much easier from living in such an idyllic village location. It is a very special area of natural beauty with such a caring community and I feel fortunate to have spent so much of the year at home in the countryside.

In the UK, many have unfortunately suffered a much greater impact due to the continued restrictions and health implications of Covid-19. Currently, more than 14 million people are living in poverty, of which 4.5 million are children and this number is continuously rising.

Foodbanks support those who have been referred in crisis, which is even more widespread in 2020. They offer aid through both food donations and food vouchers, along with a broader network to help people break free from poverty.

This winter, I am asking for the support of our community to give back to those less fortunate. I am sure you may be making your own charitable contribution, but if you would like to make even a small donation to the local foodbank, this will be a small step we can all make together to aid those less fortunate.

To make this easier, I will be collecting donated items and/or funds to transport to the local foodbank. Drop off slots at Kingscote Village Hall will allow a safe area to do this but we welcome donations directly to our home for anyone who cannot make these timings.

I hope you will be able to offer your support to this vital charity scheme and wish you all the best ahead of the festive season!

Roxy Knights (the pregnant girl with the springer spaniel!)page2image65115392

Drop off options:

Kingscote Village Hall, Thursday 3rd December: 12-2pm / 6-7pm. Alternative drop off: 8 Kingscote (on the road leading into the village from Matara, house is located directly next to the disabled parking space marked on the road).

Please do not donate after 11am Friday 4th December. Funds should be given in cash in a sealed envelope.

Donation suggestions

Christmas shopping hamper donations: Sweets or chocolates, luxury crisps, Christmas cake, Christmas pudding, mince pies, hot chocolate, nuts, gravy granules, savoury crackers, tinned ham, dried stuffing, Christmas preserves.

Everyday essential items: cereal, soup, pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes/pasta sauce, lentils, beans & pulses, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tea/coffee, tinned fruit, biscuits, UHT milk, fruit juice.

Hygiene essential items: Toiletries – deodorant, shower gel, toilet paper, shaving gel, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand wipes. Household items – laundry liquid detergent, laundry powder, washing up liquid. Feminine products – sanitary towels and tampons. Baby supplies – nappies, baby wipes and baby food. Face masks and hand sanitiser.

New Village Mailing List

Over the past few months, a number of subscribers have experienced issues receiving posts from We have therefore taken the decision to send posts from Mailchimp (email automation software) with effect from 1st December 2020.  GDPR regulations prevent us from simply transferring you to the new mailing system; instead, you will need to actively sign up to the new Mailchimp mailing list. 

A link to the new mailing list can be found here.

It can also be accessed from the home page on where you will see a button saying ‘Join Our Mailing List’. Just click and complete the form and you’ll be on the new mailing list; a confirmation of your subscription will also be sent to your email.

From 1st December:
– Village news
 will still be published as posts on the website and then you will receive individual notification of the post from Mailchimp.

– The Forerunner will be uploaded monthly to Kingscoteonline then an individual copy will be sent via Mailchimp.

– If you have not signed up to Mailchimp, or if you prefer not to receive individual emails, you still have the option to see all the posts by visiting for News & Events on the home page side bar.

– The old mailing list will be deleted from on 1st December 2020.

Join the new mailing list here.
