Bring & Share Event – 4 September

Bring & Share Event

Saturday 4th September 6.00 – 10.00 p.m.

Kingscote Village Hall

Featuring ‘Steel Appeal’

FREE ENTRY – Please bring a sweet or savoury dish to share.

This will be a family event – and everyone is welcome. There will be a Pay Bar and a collection for the Band. If wet, to be held indoors at the Village Hall.

For details please contact Brian McTear or phone 01453 861311.

Community Harvest Supper & Entertainment evening – Saturday 16 October

Due to various factors we will not be holding the Christmas Cracker event in October. However the good news is that we are holding, in its place:

A Community Harvest Supper and Entertainment Evening
at Home Farm Barn
on  Saturday 16th October from 5pm

by kind permission of the Nichols family

Look out for further details in September and we hope to see you there.

The Parish Harvest event planning group

Kingscote Village Hall AGM – 4 August

Kingscote Village Hall AGM to be held in the village hall at 7.30pm on Wed 4th August.

All parishioners are welcome to attend.

We will be re-electing members who wish to continue on the committee for another year. There are vacancies on the committee for anyone who would like to be nominated. We would also welcome volunteers to help in any capacity. We are open to suggestions from parishioners for future events.

Attached is a copy of the accounts for the year ending 31 Dec 2020. 

Brian McTear
Tel. 01453 861311

Thank you very much, 


Fireworks at Kingscote Barn 30 June

This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on Wednesday 30th June 2021 @ 10.00pm for approximately 10 mins.

This will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Best Wishes 



Lisa Firth

Wedding & Events Coordinator

Kingscote Barn, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YE

01453 861161

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weddingawards regional finalist