Forest plan for Kingscote Wood

Forestry England are working on the new forest plan for Kingscote Wood. Forest plans define Forestry England’s long-term vision for a woodland or collection of woodlands and set out how management will move towards achieving this vision over the next ten years. As part of the forest planning process, they carry out consultation with stakeholders, which helps to ensure that they achieve an appropriate balance of objectives.

See the attached draft forest plan. If you would like to leave any feedback on the draft plan you can do so here: The online consultation will be open until Sunday 21st November 2021.

Kingscote Parish Council

Autumn Fete & Harvest Festival

Enormous thanks to everyone involved with the very successful event which took place last night, Saturday 16 October. The promises auction alone raised £1500 and there is more to come from ticket sales, tombola and the raffle.

This event could not have taken place without the support of the Nichols family who allowed their barn to be used for this lovely family event at which so many familiar faces were present after such a long time, and without the many volunteers who sold tickets, held many meetings to set up the event, ran the event, cooked, served drinks and food, decorated, entertained children, played in the band and – of course – tidied up. See the images here:

Lost Border Terrier puppy

Rosie has lost her 4 month old Border Terrier puppy, Terry. He was at the Matara Wedding Venue, Kingscote, Tetbury, GL8 8AY and has been missing since 1pm on Sunday afternoon. She has posted on social media and have put up some posters in the vicinity.

If you know any information about his whereabouts, please contact Rosie on 07456 536805.