Fireworks at Kingscote Barn 28th March & 2nd April

Dear all,

This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on the below dates for approximately 10 mins. This will be run by Coates Fireworks.;

  • Monday 28th March at 8.15pm
  • Saturday 2nd April at 8.15pm

Thank you

Best Wishes,

Cat Johnson

Senior Wedding & Events Coordinator

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Kingscote Barn, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YE

01453 861161


Facebook icon@Kingscotebarn


Mothering Sunday service

Sunday March 27th at 9.30 am

at St John the Baptist Church, Kingscote

We haven’t been able to have a Mothering Sunday service at Kingscote for a couple of years, so for 2022 we would like to make it extra special to welcome everyone back, with the children having an opportunity to be involved in the service if they would like to.  

If your child/children would like to take part in a short drama script, play their music instrument or read a lesson, then please get in touch with me by Saturday March 19th with your contact details, and we can arrange a mini rehearsal with Rev Caroline so that nobody feels overwhelmed.  

Of course, anybody who would like to be part of the congregation and not take an active role will be equally, warmly welcomed.  There will be posies for children to give to mothers, or those that care for them, candles to light for those who wish to remember those who are no longer with us, a collection for Save the Children as well as coffee/tea/ squash and biscuits after the service.

We do hope you are able to join us.

Jane Nichols                   Tel: 01453 860534

Public meeting to discuss climate change and biodiversity activities in Kingscote Parish – Monday 7 March

Public meeting to discuss climate change and biodiversity activities in Kingscote Parish

Monday 7 March 2022 at 7.30pm in Kingscote Village Hall

A public meeting is arranged for Monday 7 March at Kingscote village hall to discuss what actions we might wish to take, either as individuals or as a community, to help reduce the adverse effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. Please come along if you can and share your ideas.

We all want to avoid unnecessary damage to the environment,but it is not always easy to know what we should do for the best. Sometimes we get conflicting advice, and reliable objective guidance can be difficult to find.

Some neighbouring towns have established Climate Action Networks to provide a focus for discussion, dissemination of useful advice and coordination of activities. Kingscote Parish might wish to do something similar, on a smaller scale, or alternatively link with a local group.

The meeting on 7 March will be to establish the level of interest in climate actions, to canvas opinions on what is desirable and to decide what we might do next. The objectives are:

1. To encourage individual and community activities aimed at sustainability

2. To provide a forum for sharing ideas and pooling knowledge

3. To make it easier for residents to get reliable, objective advice.


1. Introduction

2. Brief presentation by Sam Munton who is Chair of Wotton Area Climate Change Network. She will outline what this group does and answer questions.

3. General discussion of what topics are of interest to residents and how to move forward.

4. Attitudes to the current consultation on climate actions by Cotswold District Council

5. Conclusions

Time Limit: 1 hour 30 mins.

If you have any queries about the meeting, please contact Tony Wooldridge on 07966 186593.