Fireworks at Matara – August-October

Please note these dates for your diaries:

Saturday 20th August – 9pm

Friday 2nd September – 9.30pm

Saturday 3rd September – 8.30pm

Saturday 24th September – fireworks cancelled

Saturday 1st October – time to be confirmed

Saturday 22nd October – time to be confirmed

If you have any queries about these dates, please contact Matara on 01353 861050 or email

Fireworks at Kingscote Barn – 11 July

This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on Monday 11th July 2022 at 10pm for approximately 10 mins. This will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Best Wishes,

Lottie Ramplin
Head of Events
The Kingscote Barn


Farewell to Kingscote

Harry and Jutta Tubbs expect to leave Kingscote within a month or so subject to moving contracts being satisfactorily exchanged.  We would like to thank those who gave us farewell parties in the church this weekend, and in particular those who prepared the splendid refreshments.  We have lived here since mid -1986 and as we all know it is a privilege and a pleasure to be here.

Harry and Jutta Tubbs

Community Speed Watch Fund

Gloucestershire County Council is launching the £600,000 Community Speed Watch Safety Fund to provide communities with the tools they need to combat speeding in their area, helping to make our roads safer for everyone who uses them to walk, cycle, and drive. The Council will be funding Community Speed Watch cameras to help enforce speed limits, as well as vehicle-activated signage and will be helping community groups by funding speed surveys, on site meetings with road safety officers, and providing wheelie bin signage. Parish and town councils are invited to apply for support under the Fund via their county councillor. 

See further details here:

If you believe that Kingscote Parish Council should apply for any support under this fund, please email