
Web Reference: HIG020575
Enquiry Number: 11392413 
Issue: Pothole on the Carriageway 
Location: Opposite 1, Boxwood Close 
Pothole on left when driving towards the church 

Work to repair the issue identified in the Enquiry has been instructed. We will keep you informed of progress with the repair. 

Highways Customer Services Team 

Gloucestershire Highways

NB: If you wish to report any potholes you can do so by visiting https://www.gov.uk/report-pothole. The attached image shows potholes Gloucestershire County Council are aware of in our area.

Fireworks at Kingscote Barn – Sunday 20 November

Dear all,

This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on Sunday 20th November 2022 at 8.45pm for approximately 10 mins. This will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Best Wishes,

Lynne Pritchard

Wedding & Events Coordinator

A picture containing text, weapon

Description automatically generated

Kingscote Barn, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YE

01453 861161


Facebook icon@Kingscotebarn



Fireworks at Kingscote Barn – Thursday 6 October

This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on Thursday 6th October 2022 at 8.15pm for approximately 10 mins. This will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Best Wishes,

Laura Richards

Wedding & Events Coordinator


This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on Friday 20th August at 10pm for approximately 10 mins. This will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Best Wishes,

Lottie Ramplin
Head of Events
The Kingscote Barn
