Key dates and activities in Kingscote in the first week in May 2023

The Forerunner will follow in the coming days. In the meantime, these are key dates and activities to be aware of in the next week or so:

Sunday May 7th – Coronation celebrations
Coronation communion service in the church at 11am, followed by a Coronation ‘Street’ Party at the village hall from 12 noon (bring and share lunch with pay bar). We hope that as many people as possible can attend (either or both) these events.

Refuse collection – food waste only will be collected on 4th May.

Post office– will visit on Mondays and Thursdays in May apart from bank holidays.

4th May elections– anyone voting in person will be required to bring photo ID such as passport or driving licence.

Acquisitive Crime In the Cotswolds

“Sergeant George Howe from the Cotswolds Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “We understand how much of an impact rural crimes can have on victims livelihoods when items like tools and machinery are stolen.

“Often victims lose out on a lot of money due to needing to replace the stolen items or are unable to work completely which is not acceptable.

“We are determined to identify the offenders and I would like to remind residents of the importance of submitting information they have, no matter how big or small, as it could be the one thing we need to catch those responsible and stop anyone else from being targeted. “

If you feel you have been a victim or could be a possible target, we can offer further crime prevention advice on a one to one basis. Please contact our team

Message Sent By
Becky Lamb
(Gloucestershire Constabulary , Neighbourhood Watch Officer, Gloucestershire)

Road Closure for essential Ash Dieback tree work

What: Temporary Traffic Order to close the road for essential Ash Dieback tree work
Where: A4135 Kingscote Bath Road to B4058
When: 22-24 March 2023 from 0930 to 1530 daily.

You will receive a letter giving full details along with diversion routes. See map below.

If you have any queries please contact 08000 514514 or email

Notice of Election and important information

Important information for all residents

As part of new laws introduced by Government, everyone voting in person at a polling station at this year’s local elections on 4 May will need to show a valid form of ID to be able to vote.

Find out more on the Cotswold District Council website including what ID is accepted and how to apply for free ID if you don’t have one of the accepted forms of ID –

Everyone who needs to apply for ID has until 25 April to do so. Also remember to register to vote by 17 April if you aren’t already registered. The ID requirements will not affect postal votes so if you want to vote by post you can also find out how to do that on the district council website.

Fireworks at Kingscote Barn – Monday 13 February

Dear all,

This is just a quick email to let you know that there will be a PRIVATE fireworks display taking place at The Kingscote Barn on Monday 13th February at 8.20pm for approximately 10 mins.

This will be run by Coates Fireworks.

Thank you,

Best Wishes,

Cat Johnson
Senior Wedding & Events Coordinator

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Kingscote Barn, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8YE
01453 861161


Facebook icon@Kingscotebarn

