Ash Dieback Work – Bagpath 12-16 June

Ash Dieback work on Bagpath Common / Scrubbetts Lane this week 12th – 16th June

I spoke to the foreman at the site this morning who explained how the team would be tackling the work and doing their best to allow access for residents when necessary. The team will be working on the section of Scrubbetts Lane where it passes the main area of the Common. They plan to tackle the worst affected trees and take them down in pieces so that the road isn’t blocked for any significant time.
The foreman also explained the measures that would be taken to protect wildlife (birds, bats, badgers etc) in the area.
Unfortunately, because of the difficulty of access and the need for small equipment, it is likely that only the trees most at risk on this section of road will be dealt with in the time available this week. Further work in the future seems likely to be necessary, both on the main area of Common and on the small triangle.

Tony Wooldridge
Chair, Kingscote Parish Council