Voneus Together Update

As many of you know Voneus, with our satellite broadband product “Together” has started to roll-out a satellite broadband trial in the villages and hamlets of Kingscote, Bagpath, Ashcroft and Hazlecote.  We are currently at phase two and are about to begin the third and final phase of the trial before we begin to move towards rolling it out to other parts of the country and indeed converting trial participants into paying customers.

For those of you who originally showed an interest late in 2014 we shall be in touch within the next two weeks  to let you know when we plan to return to get you signed up and included in the trial.

For those already on the system we continue to finesse the process and make improvements in terms of reliability and performance.  We are well aware that we have faced some challenges but we think that we’re getting better in respect of the reliability aspect of the service so we’re now turning our attention to increasing the speed and overall download performance of the system.

As a key part of this short-term improvement programme we’ll be replacing some of the Wi-Fi radios that are deployed in some locations with more powerful versions and with different settings.  This should increase the intra-site communication and therefore the speed you get.  We’ll also be replacing some of the satellite dishes with equipment that is our fastest yet, with a potential downlink of 60/mps.

We continue to be very grateful to those of you providing feedback and now, having met most of you a number of times, am more than happy to take feedback raw and as it comes!  It is in Voneus’ interest to get it right and get it right is what we’ll do.

My numbers are below and you are welcome to get in touch whenever you like.

Finally, part of the feedback that we have received is that we need to communicate with you more.  And we shall try and get a newsletter out to you at least once every three weeks and we’ll be visiting the village towards the end of May to update the village formally on progress and next steps.

Matthew L. Appleton
Technology Director

020 3021 1831/0753 463 6140


  Southgate Office Village
1st Floor – Block B
284A Chase Road
London, N14 6HF